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"Why don't they call 'em inposts?" growled one of the men, and then to the driver, "Very well, hombre, take us to the other three. We want to see 'em all." But this was easier said than done. Again our wise-looking piebald balked, and balked most awfully.

"I don't know what you mean by 'temptation," retorted Mark, while Phoebe tried to catch her husband's eye. "Bridget was most awfully pleased to see me. She had a fit of the blues for some reason or other." "Is she liable to that sort of thing?" asked Lawrence. "Not a bit of it," said Mark enthusiastically. "She's just about the brightest girl you have ever seen in your life.

Tom, intensely loyal though he was, had to shake his head. "Maybe you did, Steve; I don't do it very well myself, but you you don't seem to get the hang of it yet. You will, of course, in a day or two. I don't believe Marvin means to rag you, though; he's an awfully decent fellow."

Laura did not inquire very closely, but she agreed that the best way for Christine to traverse the distance would be for Riatt to drive her over in the cutter. Riatt sat next to Laura at luncheon, and she put it to him, when the general conversation was loudest. "Would you mind awfully driving poor little Christine over to her own place to get something or other for that horrid father of hers?"

"I should think Judy would have sense enough to see she's being made to discuss every friend she has," she thought. "The Intruder" had now commenced on pretty Jessie Lynch. "Awfully jolly to have so many beaux. Most men-crazy girls have none," she was saying, when Molly marched into the room. She had not decided what she was going to say, but she intended to say something.

See how that chief's eye glares. Observe the murderous leer of the one beside him. Notice how they mock and insult us to our very faces. Now, how awfully jubilant their tones, as if they had us at their mercy.

It's only that Futurist Art doesn't appeal to you." "Not exactly! She showed me one of her paintings the other day. It looked like a bad motor-bus accident in a crowded street, and she told me that it represented the physical atmosphere of a woman who had just been jilted." Sara laughed suddenly and hysterically. "How how awfully funny!" she said in an odd, choked voice.

She could hear Nurse snoring through the wall, and Nurse Nancy had a most peculiar snore, first a long-drawn note, as of a horn, and then a little whistle. "I wonder how she does it," said Terry to herself, and tried to imitate the sounds. "I couldn't. It's awfully clever of her. And when you see her going about in the daytime you would never think she could do it."

Amy says it's a good deal owing to the people spending so much on beer and brandy and horrid tipsifying things. I'm sure the Piers do all they possibly can, and you know how papa says that, even with all the strict rules in the army, it's awfully difficult to keep the men sober. If I were the Queen, Jass, I'd make a law against having so many public-houses; I would indeed.

That was short for logarithm, you know, because I was such a log at arithmetic. A fellow gave me the nickname one day. It wasn't very funny, so I punched his head. But the name stuck to me. Awfully appropriate, anyhow, as it turned out." "Did you punch his head because it wasn't funny?" asked Clare, glad of the turn in the conversation. "Oh I don't know on general principles.