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Finally, he thought of a remedy, and sitting down, he patiently picked some priming into the tube. This time the gun and Dublin both went off. He picked himself up slowly, and called out in a serio-comic tone of voice, committing the old Irish bull, "Hould, asy with your laffin', boys; there is sivin more loads in her yit."

'Damnation, we are betrayed! muttered the ruffian, as with a mighty effort he threw Frank from him, and drew his horse pistol; levelling it at the young man with a deadly aim, he was about to draw the fatal trigger, when Dennis, the Irish footman, who had been concealed beneath a large dining table, sprang nimbly behind him, and felled him to the carpet with a tremendous blow of his thick cudgel, crying: 'Lie there, ye spalpeen, and rest asy.

"Sleepin'! Oh, no," replied Jemmy; "I'd give the wide world for one wink of asy sleep." "Well, aroon, here's fifteen pince for you, that we skham Will I tell him how we cot it?" "No, don't," replied his neighbors; "the boy's given to devotion, and maybe might scruple to take it." "Here's fifteen pince, avourneen, on the shovel, that we're givin' you for God's sake.

"Niver got one blowed off? 'Deed an ye must have." "I never got one blowed off. When the wind blowed hard I allus kep 'em tied on." "Well, Solomon hadn't any tie to his, an it cud tumble off his old pate asy enough, so it cud. Sure he's lost it jumpin over the rocks. Besides, where's his basket?" "At the bottom, no doubt." "Sure an it cud float." "No; I dar say it was full of lobsters."

The Irishman turned round, surveyed him from head to foot, and answered 'I find you have all got your quarrelling tackle on board to night; and so as I must fight somebody, and as you, mister, appear to be the most of a gintleman, why I will talk to you when the play is over. For which raison sit down, and make all yourselves asy.

So I hope your honour's mind will be asy on that matter; and whatever else you recollect to wish, that shall be done, if in my power."

Be asy, an' me in conwersation wid his haner here!" * My sorrow on you for a pig. Silence pig! Silence, you pig! Silence, you vagabond! "You are an Irishman?" the gentleman inquired. "I am, sir, from Connaught, yer haner, an' ill sell the crathur dag cheap, all out. Asy, you thief!"

It's a folly to talk they will; my head to a China orange they will, now: but take it asy, jewels we've got an hour's law they've one good hour's work first six garrets to gut, where they are, and tree back walls, with a piece of the front, still to pull down. Oh! I larnt all. He is a 'cute lad you sent, but not being used to it, just went and ruined and murdered us all by what he let out!

Phelim," "Amin!" "Amin!" "Now, Mrs. Doran, acushla, if you could jist know how asy my conscience is about the childhre, poor crathurs, you'd be in mighty fine spirits. There won't be sich a lovin' husband, begad, in Europe. It's I that'll coax you, an' butther you up like a new pair o' brogues; but, begad, you must be sweeter than liquorice or sugar-candy to me. Won't you, darlin'?"

"'No, in troth, won't I spake asy; I've spoken asy too long, Larry, but the devil a taste of me will bear what I've suffered from you any longer, you mane-spirited blackguard you; for he is nothing else that would rise his hand to a woman, especially to one in my condition, and she put her gown tail to her eyes.