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"You have Higley's word," retorted Lize, with ironic inflection. "He'll fine 'em as much as ten dollars apiece, and confiscate the head, which is worth fifty." "No matter what happens now, you've done your duty," added Lee Virginia, with intent to comfort him. Lize, now that the stress of the battle was over, fell a-tremble. "I reckon I'll have to go to bed," she admitted. "I'm all in.

The bargaining instinct arose in the Deacon's mind, but he repressed it. He had no time to waste. He would make an offer that at home would be considered wildly extravagant, close the business at once and get back to Chattanooga. He said: "I'll give you a dollar apiece for five." "Humph," said the woman contemptuously. "I don't sell them for no dollar apiece. They'uns 's all we got to live on now.

A gray jackrabbit, thinking himself concealed by a very creditable imitation of a sacatone hummock, sat motionless not seventy yards away. After lunch we moved out leisurely to get our one bird apiece. Some of the girls followed us. We were now epicures of shooting, and each let many birds pass before deciding to fire.

They were coming toward the camp at a slow dogtrot; and as they approached it could be seen that save for a turban apiece they were stark naked; and save for a spear and a water gourd apiece they were without equipment. One held something straight upright before him, as medieval priests carried a cross.

Feeling in this way less hungry, I used then to postpone it hour by hour, and actually dined about five or six o'clock. A kind of rough and ready co-operative system also obtained. One day there was a notice on the stairs that those who wanted could get one pot of jam apiece by applying to the provisioning committee of the hotel.

The newspapers devoted half a column apiece to the subject, and several of them prophesied that it was in grand opera that Madame Diana Quentin would eventually find the setting best suited to her gifts. "Mere concert work" wrote one critic "will never give her the scope which both her temperament and her marvellous voice demand." And with this opinion Baroni cordially concurred.

"I don't know whether these fellows are to be trusted, George, but I hope you won't be attacked. Keep these fifteen muskets for yourselves. Put four apiece by the bulwarks and station yourselves by them. Keep your eyes on these boatmen, put the oars of the boat handy for them, and let them arm themselves with them. If you are attacked an oar is not a bad weapon for repelling boarders."

"It has pretty lights and a bag of candy apiece for the kids, and they stand around and sing carols before they're allowed to take a suck of the candy, and that's all there is to it." "The Young Ladies' Guild has an awfully good time dressing it," testified Margaret. "So did I winding up Dicky's mechanical toys last Christmas," said Roger rather shamefacedly.

The colonel put himself in communication with some merchants on shore, and the two craft were sold for twelve hundred pounds. "This gave something over a pound a head to the 400 soldiers and the crew, twice that amount to the non-commissioned officers, and sums varying from ten pounds apiece to the ensigns to fifty pounds to the major.

After the table was removed, a stand was brought in, with a brass vessel full of wine, two silver bowls which held about a pint apiece, a few silver cups, of which he that pleased might drink, but wine was not urged on any of the guests.