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Still a little anxious, she sought an interview with Alymer, asking him to meet her for tea the following day. The instant they met, Hal saw the change in him, and exclaimed in surprise: "Haven't you had a holiday? You don't look very grand." Unable to meet her eyes, he turned away towards a small table. "Oh yes, I've had a holiday. I've been in France studying the language.

To-day is the wedding-day of the king's daughter, the Princess Jean. Ah, now Hynde Horn understood why his diamonds had grown dull and dim. His beautiful princess had not forgotten him. Of that he was quite sure. But King Alymer and his people had grown weary of waiting for his return.

"I have enjoyed my evening of invalidism so much. Come and see me again soon, won't you?" "I should love to. You are very good to me." "Oh, no; I'm not. Don't let us talk of goodness in that way. I like your company; and it is good to have what one likes. I shall expect you again soon, Alymer I may call you Alymer, mayn't I?... Mr. Hermon is so overpowering." "I wish you would.

I know you don't know one end of a gun from the other, but it doesn't matter; and it reads rather well something unique about it in an actress." "Why not put angling, and give some of my dear enemies a chance to ask what for?" "Or jam-making," suggested Alymer, "and redeem the stage in the eyes of the British matron." "Oh, don't talk... how can I write?

Neither, somewhat to her surprise, did he attempt to exculpate himself, nor to make any denial. He stood up on the hearth with that straight, strong look he had, when all his faculties were acute, and heard her through to the end. Then she said in a hurt voice: " You don't deny it, Alymer. I have been hoping you went to the flat on business, and there was some mistake."

Then he sought to distract her mind for the present, and while they dined he talked of many things to interest her. "Do you know that Alymer Hermon has just got the chance of his life?" he told her, before they rose. "I head to-day he is to appear with Hall in this big libel case. Sir James Jameson told me at the Club.

But no answering smile shone in Alymer Hermon's face, rather a slight shade of anxiety as he glanced across the room at Hal. "I should not like a sister of mine to have much to do with Sir Edwin Crathie," he said gravely. "Perhaps not, you dear old Solemn-acre," giving his arm a gentle pat; "but a sister of yours would not have learned early to battle with the world as Hal has."

"Alymer is my nephew, and his mother is my sister, and therefore I am a most suitable emissary, except for a certain incident of long ago, which has long been consigned to oblivion by both of us, I am sure. The boy is young. He is on the threshold of life and a great career. What will be the result, do you think, if you refuse to listen, and perhaps ruin his prospects for your own pleasure ?"

Hal was a little puzzled that she had not been invited down for the second week-end, but decided Lorraine must have meant to return and changed her mind at the last moment, leaving no time to get a message to her. A later encounter with Dick, however, puzzled her more than ever. "Old Alymer is taking quite a long holiday," he said.

But when, after learning she was very ill, he asked Hal wat was the matter, and saw the scarlet blood flame into her face, he said no more. "I was with her yesterday," she told him, "and the doctor said he feared she would not live many days. She wanted Alymer, and I came over to fetch him." "And you are going at once?" Denton asked him, with a curious expression in his eyes.