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"Well, you are the best judge, Reuben, an' it's as well that it should come off when old Fiddlestrings is here, for a weddin' without a fiddle ain't much of a spree. By good luck, too, there's the lads from Buffalo Creek at the fort just now, so we'll muster strong. No, I wouldn't give much for a weddin' without a good dance not even yours, Reuben."

"Why, she's been tryin' to pull off a weddin' on this boat ever since we left Mackinaw." "Why not? You mean that Mr. Davidson and the revered aunt were getting on well?" "Oh, no, bless your heart, no! It was the young lady, Miss Emory. And she " I raised my hand. "Never mind, Peterson. We can't discuss that at all. But now, I'm minded to give my friend Mr.

An' the fringed tidies over the chairs an' sofa that Eliza give me for a weddin' present they're faded considerable, but that good red wool never wears out. There's the crayon portraits we had done when we was on our honeymoon, an' the ones of James an' Sally when they was babies.

The person least satisfied was Tibbie, who could not get over the speediness of the marriage, nor forgive the injury to Miss Williams, "of bringing her hame like any pleughman's wife, wantin' a honeymoon trip, forbye providin' hersel' with weddin' braws conformable. Gin folk tak' sic daft notions aff the English, they'd be mair wise like to bide at hame, an' that's my way o' thinkin'."

This play was jerkt by a admirer of Old Ossywattermy. First akt opens at North Elby, Old Brown's humsted. Thare's a weddin at the house. Amely, Old Brown's darter, marrys sumbody, and thay all whirl in the Messy darnce. Then Ossywattermy and his 3 sons leave fur Kansis. Old Mrs. Ossywattermy tells 'em thay air goin on a long jurny & Blesses 'em to slow fiddlin. Thay go to Kansis.

I've only been a married man fower days, 'account of poor old feyther deein, and puttin' it off. Here be a weddin' party broide and broide's-maid, and the groom if a mun dean't 'joy himsel noo, when ought he, hey? Drat it all, thot's what I want to know.

"'It 'lustrates too, says Enright, when two days later the weddin' party has returned to Tucson, an' Wolfville ag'in sinks to a normal state of slumbrous ease, 'it sort o' 'lustrates how open to argyments a gent is when once he's lost his weepons. Now if he isn't disarmed that time, my eloquence wouldn't have had no more effect on old Glegg than throwin' water on a drowned rat."

She still wore a heavy veil, an' I never looked at her not right straight but I could see that she walked with her feet an' held her head on the top of her neck; so I was purty certain that if Dick did return an' try to finish the weddin' as the star performer she'd give us an interestin' exhibition. Spider Kelley was at the station when I got off the train.

"I'm going to tell all my folks that if they want me to know anything in a hurry they'd better telegraph or send me a special delivery letter that'll fix 'em. My! To think of bein' invited to a weddin' and not knowin' it!" "When I first came here," resumed Miss Castlevaine, "my cousin was dreadfully upset because they wouldn't call me to the telephone to talk with her.

And once more the new year followed the old. On one of its earliest days, "I cal'late," a certain somebody began to say to General Byington, "th' never was a happier weddin' so quiet, nor a qui " But he caught the sheen of his daughter's spectacles and forebore.