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I dreaded the thing enough, but now that it has come so unexpectedly, it is far worse But enough of this. Mr. Merwyn, are you willing to take the risks that I shall?" "Yes, on condition that I save you unnecessary risks." "Oh what a fool I've been!" Marian exclaimed, with one of her expressive gestures. "Mr. Vosburgh," said Merwyn, "there is one duty which I feel I ought to perform first of all.

Missy S'wanee tole de missus, an' she wrung her han's an' cry, too; an' Missy S'wanee, she was a-larfin' an' a-cryin', an' a-prayin' all ter once. Suddenly dere was a shot off toward de creek-road, an' den we was bery still. Now. Zeb, you know de res'!" "Oh, come, this won't do at all," said Mr. Vosburgh, as Zeb was about to continue the story. "It's nearly midnight now.

Marian's cheeks crimsoned. "No more of that, if you please," said Mr. Vosburgh, gravely. "While it is natural that you should feel strongly, you must remember that both I and my daughter have asked your pardon, and that you yourself admitted that we had cause for misjudging you.

Therefore she listened attentively to the details of what had happened in her absence. She waited in vain for any searching and intelligent questions concerning the absent husband. Beyond that he was well, and that everything about the house was just as she had left it, Mrs. Vosburgh appeared to have no interest.

Vosburgh felt that, whatever happened, he must attend to his duties. Therefore he went to headquarters and learned that the crisis of the insurrection had passed. The Seventh Regiment was on duty, and other militia organizations were near at hand. He also related briefly how he had been driven from his home on the previous night, and was told that policemen were in charge of the building.

May I have the chance of rejecting this man as I never dismissed one before!" It must not be supposed that Willard's frequent visits to the Vosburgh cottage had escaped Mrs. Merwyn's vigilant solicitude, but her son spoke of them in such a way that she obtained the correct impression that he was only amusing himself.

Vosburgh, "this is a longer story than I can listen to without something to sustain the inner man. "Riten," to the servant, "some fresh coffee please. Now for the lighted dining-room, that's hidden from the street, where we can look into each other's faces. So much has happened the last two days that here in the dark I begin to feel as if it all were a nightmare.

Vosburgh was eventually induced to visit relatives in New England, and then father and daughter watched events with a hundred-fold more anxiety than that of the majority, because they were better informed and more deeply involved in the issues at stake than many others. But beyond all thought of worldly interests, their intense loyal feeling burned with a pure, unwavering flame.

Ghegan reached her husband, and that her good nursing, with surgical help, will probably save his life." Bowing to the agents, who had been listening and watching him with great curiosity, he turned to the door. Marian opened it for him, and, stepping out into the dusky area, said, "I see that you do not forgive me." "And I have seen, to-day, Miss Vosburgh, that you detest me.

An acquaintance down town said: 'What's up, Vosburgh? Heard good news? Have our troops scored a point? You see I was so brightened up that he thought nothing but a national victory could account for the improvement. Men are like armies, and are twice as effective when well supported." "The idea of my supporting you!" "To me it's a charming idea.