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He knew what they were like, and when their coarse brutal natures became inflamed through liquor, there was no telling what they might do. For this reason he had urged Dave to turn them aside, and induce them to march straight overland. Of the success of this plan he had little hope, as the slashers knew of the rum he kept on hand, and for that they would come, if for nothing else.

She then took up her position in a dark corner, where with fast-beating heart she waited to hear what might take place in the adjoining room. In a few minutes the slashers arrived. Jean could hear them quite distinctly, and her heart sank within her as she listened to their laughter and rough talk.

"But suppose there are no Indians near?" "Plenty Injun see pu-kut. Beeg hill. Injun know." "Will the Indians come?" "Bimeby." "In time to save us from the slashers?" "Mebbe. Sam come bimeby. Sam know." Curiously and anxiously Jean watched that signal flaring from the high hill.

Oh, if Dane and the rangers were with her in the forest how soon they would put the slashers to rout, and take her home. But they were far off, so her only hope lay in the arrival of the Indians, from where she did not know. Darkness came, and with it the long-expected Indians. They were a score in all, and they glided like spectres along the shore and up to the lodge in the thicket.

Then there was a lot of smaller fry, including good players belonging to the Dumbrook, North-Eastern, Gallowgate Rovers, the Locomotive Slashers, Thornians, Northern Jumpers, Edinburgh Irishmen, Partick Unfortunates, and last, though by no means least, the Flying Blues.

The rebels from the north were there awaiting the coming of the others from the Washademoak. His father, then, had not changed. Would he lead the slashers against the mast-cutters? he wondered. The latter must be warned of their danger, but how could he go out with them and fight against his own father? The thought brought the perspiration in beads to his forehead.

Seth Lupin was the leader, and he was in great spirits. Three of his companions were the slashers who had attacked Dane Norwood at Portland Point, and they, too, seemed much pleased. These brutes in human forms firmly believed that they were safe from all prying eyes, and that their words of lust and revenge were lost amidst the forest depths.

And she had good reason for this high regard. But as a great bear has been known to bestow a remarkable affection upon a lost child, notwithstanding its savage nature, so it was with Sam. Could Jean have seen him that night as he led his score of followers against the slashers she would not have believed him to be the same Indian who had been so kind to her. The wild nature within him was aroused.

"Slashers, Pete, eh?" he questioned in a low voice. "A-ha-ha," was the reply. "No meet 'em, Dane. Too many. We go round." Without another word he swung sharply to the right, and led the way to the water in a wide circle. Cautiously they approached the shore, and then keeping within the edge of the forest they moved slowly along, most of the time upon their hands and knees.

I would be a mighty poor courier if I couldn't take care of myself, especially when slashers are around." A bright smile illumined the Major's face as he held out his right hand. "Young man, I am proud of you," he said, "and I shall mention you to the General Officers in my next report. We need such men as you to-day." "I don't care for any honour," Dane replied.