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"Shut up, you scalawag," roared the Lieutenant-Colonel. "If I hear another word out o' you I'll buck-and-gag you." They marched to Regimental Headquarters and halted, and the Lieutenant-Colonel renewed his browbeating, Si and Shorty continued obstinate, and the Lieutenant-Colonel, getting angrier every minute, ordered them tied up by the thumbs.

Sergeant Tom had not noticed the blanched anxiety in the father's face; for his eyes were seeking those of the daughter. He answered the question as he advanced towards Jen: "Yes and no, Galbraith; I'm only takin' orders to those who will be after some scalawag by daylight in the mornin', or before. The hand of a traveller to you, Miss Jen."

I only hope you'll have as good a time here as I had last summer. Molly Moss and Stella Martin are nearer my age than yours, but you'll like them, I know." "Oh, I know Molly, but I don't remember Stella." "You'll prob'ly like Stella best, though, 'cause she's so quiet and sensible like you. Molly's a scalawag, like me."

"Why, he's away, Anne dearie he's been away to New Brunswick for a week. And that young scalawag of a Joe Vickers is editing the Journal in his absence. Of course, Mr. Vickers would never have put it in, even if he is a Methodist, but Joe would just think it a good joke. As you say, I don't suppose there is anything to be done now, only live it down.

"Yo' butt me, yo' horned scalawag!" gasped the old colored man, when once safe on the outside of the pen, "an' I won't gib yo' nottin' ter chew on but an old rubber boot fo' de nex' week dat's what I'll do." The old Corner House, as the Stower homestead was known to Milton folk, stood facing Main Street, its side yard running back a long way on Willow Street.

'Pusillanimous varlet, and 'mendacious scalawag'? It does not sound like Kenneth." Viola had the grace to blush guiltily. "No, he didn't. He swore harder than anybody I've ever " "That's better," said Rachel, somewhat sternly. Later on they sat on the little front porch, where the older woman, with scant recourse to the graphic, narrated the story of Moll Hawk.

It's come to a pretty pass, so it has, if you are goin' to uphold that bad boy in thieving " "Hush up, Maw!" cried Pete's voice from the house. "Come out here, you scalawag!" ordered his father, relaxing his hold on Hiram. Pete slouched out on the porch, wearing a grin that was half sheepish, half worried. "What's this Strong says about turkeys?" demanded Sam Dickerson, sternly.

I'm not here to protect every damned scalawag that tries to stowaway on my ship. I'm here to protect the owners, and I mean to do it. Now you get down that ladder, before we throw you down." I knew his words were final. From the bow I heard the creak of the anchor-chains as they were drawn on board, and from the engine-room the tinkle of bells. The ship was abandoning me.

He's the only one left, and from the looks of things he'll keep on living and making trouble another hundred years." "There was another Packard, wasn't there?" he insisted. "Phil Packard's son, the old man's grandson?" "Never knew him," said Terry. "A scamp and a scalawag and a tomfool, though, if you want to know.

"There's a stone in the graveyard to you," went on the Cap'n, clawing his stubby fingers into his bristle of hair, "and they've always called her 'Widder Crymble' and" he stood up again and leaned forward over the table in the attitude of Jove about to launch a thunderbolt and gasped "she's goin' to get married to Bat Reeves, Tuesday of next week and he's the most infernal scalawag in this town, and he's took her after he's tried about every other old maid and widder that's got property."