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A detective testifies that he went with her into a tenement house on Seventeenth Street west of Sixth Avenue. Charge: Violation of the Tenement House Law. "Qu'importe," says the woman. "I go in ze street. I am arrested. I stay in ze house. I am arrested. I take ze room. I am arrested. Chantage Blackmail. C'est pour rire." Who are these women who are brought in a crowd together?

Read the campaign of Moscow, said another gentleman to me, you will there see the French character: "Les François sont les seuls dans l'univers qui pourroient rire meme en gelant."

The last lines of an epitaph on one of these Pantomimic actors may be applied to many of them during their flourishing period: Toute sa vie il a fait rire; Il a fait pleurer a sa mort. Several of these admirable actors were literary men, who have written on their art, and shown that it was one.

We expect art to accomplish three great results reconciliation, revelation, and sympathy. So far we have shown how comic art may accomplish the first; we have yet to prove how it may accomplish the rest. In his book Le Rire, Bergson has expressed the view that comedy is explicitly falsifying and unsympathetic.

Je me souviens seulement que j'y prouvois savamment que le rire excite par les betises est l'effet du contraste que nous saisissons entre l'effort que fait l'homme qui dit la betise, et le mauvais succes de son effort.

He hurried away the old ladies, protesting, into the drawing-room, and closed the door behind him. Peter scarcely noticed their absence. Ah! le rire fidèle prouve un coeur sans détours, Ah! riez, riez ma belle riez, riez toujours, sang Lady Mary. "I never heard my mother sing before," said Peter. Lady Mary came down the oak staircase singing.

Tu as le coeur a rire Mai j'l'ai-t-a pleurer," ran his chanson. Phillips had seen the fellow several times, and the circumstances of their first encounter had been sufficiently unusual to impress themselves upon his mind. Pierce had been resting here, at this very spot, when the Canuck had come up into sight, bearing a hundred-pound pack without apparent effort.

A humorous man, acquainted with the nature of boys, would have understood the attack of fou rire, and forgiven it; but then a humorous man would have thought twice before appealing to a set of English boys for sympathy with the feelings of an exile. The incident certainly increased my feelings of respect for Signor Testa, and made me try to please him.

Tittering shyness, all giggle-goggle and blush; stony and stolid stupidity, impenetrable to a ray of perception; awkward, angular postures and gestures, and jerking saltatory motions; Brobdingnag strides and straddles, and kittenish frolics and friskings; sharp, shrill little whinnying squeals and squeaks, followed by lengthened, sepulchral "O-h's" all formed together such an irresistibly ludicrous picture as made "Les Anglaises pour Rire" of Poitier and Brunet one of the most comical pieces of acting I have seen in all my life.

The Republic was declared by the actions of Western bureaucrats to be a Republic pour rire, not a serious thing; and by this false and cruel assumption they killed Yuan Shih-kai. If that epitaph is written on his political tombstone, it will be as full of blinding truth as is only possible with Last Things.