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Will you forgive me?" and her hands clasped his so pleadingly that, raising himself upon his elbow so as to obtain a better view of her bright face, he answered, "I'd willingly break a hundred bones for the sake of meeting a girl like you, Maggie Miller."

The girl, in alarm, struggled to free herself from his grasp, but he held her and continued: "No other man can give you the love I feel for you, and you shall respond to it." "It is impossible, Mr. Williams," she said pleadingly. "You do not know all. I am sorry, so sorry, to give you pain." Her ever ready tears began to flow. "But I do not feel toward you as you wish. I there is another.

Then he glided into a song of love, and tenderly, pleadingly, passionately, told the story as only a courting bird can tell it. Then he sang a song of ravishment; a song quavering with fear and the pain tugging at his heart. He almost had run the gamut, and she really appeared as if she intended to flee rather than to come to him. He was afraid to take even one timid little hop toward her.

Never before in my life have I cared so much for you." And he blushed as he said it, and fumbled his samples. "Then you do care some for me?" she asked pleadingly. She was heart-sick for sympathy and did not know just what she said. He flushed and started to speak. He looked at her, and his big glasses quivered with the suppressed emotions which lay behind them in his eyes.

The smile faded from Aunt Deborah's face, and she turned away from Ruth with a little sigh. "No, I will not tell her, Ruth. But thee will surely do that thyself," she answered. "But you say the dress looks as well as ever," said Ruth, "and, oh, Aunt Deborah! It will make Mother feel so bad to know that I was so thoughtless," and Ruth looked pleadingly toward her aunt.

"Yes, Daddy, I'll do that." Maud smiled from her pillows. "My little policeman!" she said. "I believe she'd keep her daddy out too if she thought it advisable," laughed Jake. Eileen's fingers tightened about his, but she did not contradict him. Only the violet eyes so like her mother's looked up at him very pleadingly, and he stooped in a moment and kissed her. "All right. Daddy understands."

Merrick's side and asked pleadingly: "May I go with her, Uncle?" "Great Scott!" he exclaimed, with a nervous jump. "You, Beth?" "Yes, Uncle. I so long to be of help to those poor fellows who are being so cruelly sacrificed; and I know I can soothe much suffering, if I have the opportunity." He stared at her, not knowing what to reply.

But instead of showing any fear, the child flung her arms about the neck of the Maid, and pressed kisses upon her face her headpiece she had removed at her entrance and when the mother would have loosened her hold, and sent the child away with her attendant, little Charlotte resisted, clinging to her new friend with all her baby strength, and the Maid looked pleadingly up into the kindly face of the lady, and said: "Ah, madame, I pray you let her remain with me.

Think, if it becomes public everyone talking about the disgrace what will Irene do? Just at the time of her marriage!" She held out her hands, pleadingly. "You would be glad to save Irene from such a shame?" Piers had not yet seen the scandal from this point of view. It came upon him with a shock, and he stood speechless. "My husband hates them," pursued Mrs.

"You poor child," she said, "you look as though you were in distress. Can't I help you?" Tears filled the brown eyes that were lifted pleadingly to the face of the questioner, and a dry sob was the only answer. "Come with me, dear," said the woman, taking her kindly by the arm. "This is my car. Come and let me help you."