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Hogan, Swayne, Stalky, Perowne, and Ansell were deep in consultation by the vaulting-horse, Stalky as usual laying down the law. The Sergeant watched them uneasily, knowing that many waited on their lead. "Foxy don't like my recruits," said McTurk, in a pained tone, to Beetle. "You get him some." Nothing loath, Beetle pinioned two more fags each no taller than a carbine. "Here you are, Foxy.

Settle it among yourselves. Good-night." "And that's the man," said Flint, when the door shut, "that you want to bother with a dame's school row." "I was only pullin' your fat leg," Perowne returned, hastily. "You're so easy to draw, Flint." "Well, never mind that. The Head's knocked the First Fifteen to bits, and we've got to pick up the pieces, or the Old Boys will have a walk-over.

Here Vernon was understood to say that he would see Winton and all the school somewhere else. 'And if you imagine Perowne and Malpass and me are goin' to give evidence at a prefects' meeting just to soothe your beastly conscience, you jolly well err, said Beetle. 'I know what you did. 'What? croaked Pater, out of the valley of his humiliation. 'You went Berserk.

The Old Boys' match was the event of the Easter term. "We'll hope they aren't in training. Now for the list. First I want Flint. It's the Euclid that does it. You must work deductions with me. Perowne, extra mechanical drawing. Dawson goes to Mr. King for extra Latin, and Venner to me for German. Have I damaged the First Fifteen much?" He smiled sweetly. "Ruined it, I'm afraid, sir," said Flint.

I don't know whether he'll be much use, though. He was rather knocked about, recovering poor old Duncan's body." "Crandall major the Gunner?" Perowne asked. "No, the minor 'Toffee' Crandall in a native infantry regiment. He was almost before your time, Perowne." "The papers didn't say anything about him. We read about Fat-Sow, of course. What's Crandall done, sir?"

'And let all the other asses see you lookin' like this! Not much. We'll all come up to Number Five Study and wash off in hot water. Beetle, you aren't damaged. Go along and light the gas-stove. 'There's a tin of cocoa in my study somewhere, Perowne shouted after him. 'Rootle round till you find it, and take it up.

Most English people cannot even go to this land they possess; the authorities would prevent it. If Messrs. Perowne or Cook organised a cheap tour of Manchester operatives, it would be stopped. No one dare bring the average English voter face to face with the reality of India, or let the Indian native have a glimpse of the English voter.

"It will save you a lot o' time at Sandburst," the Sergeant replied promptly. "You'll be dismissed your drills early if you go up with a good groundin' before'and." "Hm! 'Don't mind learnin' my drill, but I'm not goin' to ass about the country with a toy Snider. Perowne, what are you goin' to do? Hogan's joinin'." "Don't know whether I've the time," said Perowne.

Simon Patrick , Dean, afterwards Bishop of Chichester, and finally of Ely. 21. John James Stewart Perowne , Dean, afterwards Bishop of Worcester. The upper figures on the north side are these: Two at the summit of the Vice-Dean's stall, Kings Wolfere and Ethelred. Peada, King of Mercia, founder of the monastery. 2. Cuthbald , second Abbot. 3.

The phrase meant that certain of their number would be withdrawn from all further games for extra-tuition. It might also mean future success at Sandhurst; but it was present ruin for the First Fifteen. "Yes, I've come for my pound of flesh. I ought to have had you out before the Exeter match; but it's our sacred duty to beat Exeter." "Isn't the Old Boys' match sacred, too, sir?" said Perowne.