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One night in camp, and after smoking in silence for nearly an hour, he asked 'Do you know Fisher, Jack the man that owns these bullocks? 'I've heard of him, I said. Fisher was a big squatter, with stations both in New South Wales and in Queensland.

We are in charge of Master Lirriper, who owns a barge on the river, and plies between Hedingham and Bricklesey, but who was coming up to London in a craft belonging to his nephew, and who took charge of us. We are staying at the house of Master Swindon, a citizen and ship chandler." "Is Master Lirriper below?" "He is, sir."

If he owns three feet of ground, enough to grow ten cabbages, or a few trees to slice into toothpicks, the fellow begins to talk of consolidated property, taxes, revenues, indemnities, a whole lot of stuff, and I have wasted my time and breath on patriotism. It's a bad business! Candidly, the 'Movement' does not move. I have written to the directors and told them so.

He had lived in open enmity with the queen and her family, and had been but newly reconciled to her son the marquis Dorset; yet Sir Thomas owns that lord Hastings was one of the first to abet Richard's proceedings against her, and concurred in all the protector's measures. We are amazed therefore to find this lord the first sacrifice under the new government. What then is the presumption?

"Railroads, his father, aind't it?" said the German. "Yep. That and mines and lumber and shipping. Built one place at San Diego, the old man has; another at Los Angeles; owns half a dozen railroads, half the lumber on the Pacific slope, and lets his wife spend the money," the Philadelphian went on lazily. "The West don't suit her, she says.

Jake if we could do anything such as take the cart out and sell the things to the farmers' wives. But she thought not. It was after this that Dicky said "Why shouldn't we get things of our own and go and sell them with Bates' donkey?" Oswald was thinking the same thing, but he wishes to be fair, so he owns that Dicky spoke first. We all saw at once that the idea was a good one.

Captain Colston of the 2d is here " "Very good. I will see him now. That is all, major." The chief of staff withdrew. Captain Colston of the 2d approached from the shadows beyond the big pine and saluted. "You are from this region, captain?" "Yes, sir. The Honeywood Colstons." "This stone mill is upon your land?" "Yes, sir. My mother owns it." "You have been about the dam as a boy?" "Yes, sir.

As the Baboo steps through the wide swinging gate and enters the place that owns him master, let us mark his reception. The durwan first, our grenadier doorkeeper, the man of proud port and commanding presence, to whom that portal is a post of honor, our Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, in one, of courage, strength, and address enlisted with fidelity.

Johnston," said Charley, "I don't like to ask you to work on Christmas, but I want you to find out to-day, if you can, who owns No. 164 Huckleberry Street." "Do you mean the house Mr. Vail lived in?" "Yes, that's it. Look it up for me, if you can." "Oh, that's not hard. The house belongs to you." "To me! I didn't know I had anything there."

But I am ashamed to say, I don't remember you. Pray, did you live here when I went away?" "Yes," said she, softly again, and this time looking into his eyes. "Tell me, then, if you can tell me, whose hands this farm fell into? Who owns the place? Has it gone out of the family? Where is Dorcas Fox?" He spoke hastily, and held her by the arm, as if he feared she would slide away in the moonlight.