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"But you think they're from the Orchid, don't you?" "On another guess, I'd swear it, sir." "And you're positive you never saw the yacht till yesterday in any port?" "Never, sir. I even made inquiry about her in Havana before we cleared to-day that is, without exciting comment. A one-eyed stevedore said she drops in there maybe once or twice a year, but he didn't know from where.

From under this shade the profile of the Corporal assumed a particular aspect of heroism: though a good-looking man on the main, it was his air, height, and complexion, which made him so; and a side view, unlike Lucian's one-eyed prince, was not the most favourable point in which his features could be regarded.

He walked on the banks of the Euphrates, fully persuaded that his star had destined him to inevitable misery, and resolving in his own mind all his misfortunes, from the adventure of the woman who hated one-eyed men to that of his armor. "This," said he, "is the consequence of my having slept too long. Had I slept less, I should now have been King of Babylon and in possession of Astarte.

Ali, who was walking last, stopped before Lingard, very stiff and upright. He said "That one-eyed Babalatchi is gone, with all his women. He took everything. All the pots and boxes. Big. Heavy. Three boxes." He grinned as if the thing had been amusing, then added with an appearance of anxious concern, "Rain coming." "We return," said Lingard. "Make ready."

Suddenly the one-eyed individual at the rudder screamed aloud, and disturbed the Leading Gentleman's earnest endeavour to prevent waste. Not from sensibility did the one-eyed scream, nor on account of his growing conviction that the Leading Gentleman was getting more than his share, but because, as all realized upon looking up, a great ship was bearing down upon them from the West.

"Most readily, Master d'Aubricour," replied Clifford; "there would not have been the least offence had the youth only possessed a civil tongue." "Is not he the son of one of your wealthy Englishmen?" asked the one-eyed Squire, carelessly. "Ha! Why should you think so?" said Gaston, turning sharply; "because he shows so much good nurture?"

She doesn't want either the old man or the one-eyed one or the young one, I'm almost certain of it; but if she should turn them away, people would say she meant to remain a widow and no others would come." "Ah, yes! they act as a sign-post for her!" "As you say. Where's the harm if they like it?" "Every one to his taste!" said Germain. "That wouldn't be to your taste, I see.

"What is to be done with you?" cried our Blessed Father, "you remind me of the frogs to whom Jupiter could not give a king who was to their taste. We ought certainly to wish to have good and capable Superiors, but still whatever they may be we must put up with them." One of the complainers was so wanting in discretion as to say that their one-eyed horse had been changed into a blind one.

Old man Hemmings is a confirmed old bachelor. He's too mean to support more than one." "And you didn't happen to know any o' that gang, did ye?" continued Bill, with infinite protraction. "Yes. Knew 'em all. There was French Pete, Cherokee Bob, Kanaka Joe, One-eyed Stillson, Softy Brown, Spanish Jack, and two or three Greasers." "And ye didn't know a man by the name of Charley Byng?"

I shall be able to charter or buy a ship with the proceeds, and some dark night we shall all embark; and if a surgeon is not willing to come of his own accord, I shall press the best one in the place: it won't be the first time I have done such a thing, with much less excuse." "One will be willing," said Jack; "so you need not introduce One-eyed Dick's schooner here, Willis."