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Just then she came to the top of the little hill up which Rob had crawled that winter morning, and once again the words Miss Rose had sung came back to her, as though they still lingered on the air there, "Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant scene, one step enough for me."

He glanced up and for a moment his eyes lingered. "Hello," he said, "how long have you been gone?" "Little less than a year." "You went away a youngish sort of man and you return with distinguished white temples." He summarized. "There must be a story locked up in you." I glanced impatiently at the card and called for eggs.

Its vast implications easily evaded his finite mind, just as the essence of his present rapture it was no less lay beyond his grasp. He lingered over it; gave it up ... returned to Susan. "Wonderful," she said gravely, with a comprehensive wave of her muff. And her simplicity thrilled him the more with the knowledge that she shared his feeling.

"You go a trifle too far, I think," said the Duke, smiling with equal contempt. They looked one another in the eyes with a long, lingering look. They had suddenly the air of fencers who have lost their tempers, and are twisting the buttons off their foils. "Not a bit of it, your Grace," said Guerchard; and his voice lingered on the words "your Grace" with a contemptuous stress.

There was man's lie revealed, defined, convicted by God's truth! The letters lingered, and the room seemed almost sensibly to sink in the awful silence. Then the stillness was broken by a deep voice. What lips it came from, no one knew, for all the borders of the room were as dark as night.

Of his disciples for the great coming deed but one had arrived at Tabor, his faithful son Owen. The old man lingered at Tabor with his religious friends until November before starting for Kansas. Higginson, his chief backer in Massachusetts, was growing angry over his repeated delays and senseless inaction.

His own brightened, and the blue eyes grew dark and tender, while her hand lingered a second. "How good you are to me!" he exclaimed, in a low voice. "How endlessly good!" She was still smiling as she withdrew her hand and leaned back in her chair once more.

Thrown away by his companions, who had passed on towards Red River, he had lingered for three days all exposed to dew and frost. At length death had kindly put an end to his sufferings, but three days more elapsed before any person would approach to bury the remains. He had died from smallpox brought from the Saskatchewan, and no one would go near the fatal spot.

She lingered outside a moment, whilst he gave a few orders to one of his men. She skirted the house, and stepped on to the lawn, looking out dreamily into the silvery landscape. Nature seemed exquisitely at peace, in comparison with the tumultuous emotions she had gone through: she could faintly hear the ripple of the river and the occasional soft and ghostlike fall of a dead leaf from a tree.

"Hush, dear," she whispered back. "Ain't you glad you stayed? You wouldn't, if it hadn't been for me." Charlotte turned and looked at him sharply. Mrs. Anderson had lingered in the dining-room to give some directions to the maid, and Anderson had stepped out on the porch for a second's puff at a cigar. "Eddy Carroll," said she, in a whisper, "you didn't?" Eddy faced her defiantly. "Didn't what?"