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But no," he added, after a little consideration, "no, that's not it; it would be very difficult even to imagine any motive. An old man, eighty years old. No, it's not that. But, if I am not very much mistaken, he knows something." "In that case, I should have thought that means might have been found to make him speak," said the lawyer, drily. "What means? I profess I don't know any.

In order not to take up their time he asked: therefore, that it be immediately put on its second and third reading and allowed to pass. He sat down, and I looked at Krebs. Could he, could any man, any lawyer, have the presumption to question such an obviously desirable measure, to arraign the united judgment of the committee's legal talent? Such was the note Mr. Truesdale so admirably struck.

"Monsieur," said the lawyer, with friendly good nature, "it is nevertheless impossible that I should release you without carrying out the legal formalities, and asking you some questions. It is almost as a witness that I require you to answer.

Lady Greaves immediately perceived the situation of his heart, and, by questioning Mrs. Cowslip, discovered a mutual passion between these lovers. She consulted her dear knight on the subject, and he catechised the lawyer, who pleaded guilty.

Sylvester," said the captain, quietly. "I'll see you again in a few moments." The lawyer bowed and left the room, evidently glad to escape. Captain Elisha turned to Mrs. Dunn. "And now, ma'am," he observed, "that part of the business is over. The next part's even more in the family, so I thought we didn't need legal advice. You see just how matters stand. My niece is a poor girl.

The public-spirited lawyer grasped the situation at once, and, spurred by his influence and enthusiasm, the Town Council adopted a large scheme of streets, roads, parks, and squares, so that when all was completed the inhabitants of the old city scarcely knew where they were.

"Do you call it fair when the lawyer I had was only a boy one whom the court told me to take, a boy trying his first case my case, that meant the ruin of my life? My lawyer! Why, he was just getting experience getting it at my expense!" The girl paused as if exhausted by the vehemence of her emotion, and at last the sparkling eyes drooped and the heavy lids closed over them.

The day he spoke to me in the pastrycook's shop at Swainson, something came over him, in the spur of the moment, not to give his right name, so he gave the first that came into his head. He never thought to retain it, or that other people would hear of him by it." "I dare say not," laconically spoke Lawyer Ball. "Well, Miss Afy, I believe that is all for the present.

"But the assassin could only have learned Dalibard's habits from some one in the house. Was the deceased married?" "Oh, yes, to an Englishwoman." "She had lovers, perhaps?" "Pooh, lovers! The happiest couple ever known; you should have seen them together! I dined there last week." "It is strange," said the lawyer. "And he was getting on so well," muttered a hungry-looking man.

As John Calhoun now called himself a Republican, his residence at Richmond in a congressional district normally Democratic, did not suit his political ambitions; so in December, following Governor Morrow's election, he removed to Pineville in the Eleventh Congressional District, which was overwhelmingly Republican, and for a lawyer a better business location than Richmond.