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Stephens think of your pictures?" she asked shortly. "Oh!" Everything that Jane Lavinia wanted to say came rushing at once and together to her tongue's end. "Oh, Aunt Rebecca, he was delighted with them! And he said I had remarkable talent, and he wants me to go to New York and study in an art school there. He says Mrs.

"To be pat, it ought to be the deluge," chuckled Evan; "but as these are prosy times, it simply means the end has been reached, and that to-morrow they will put away mild summer madness, and return to the Whirlpool to paddle about decorously as of yore." I find that I am not the only person who is disappointed at the absence of matrimonial intentions between Martin and Miss Lavinia.

"Oh, no!" added Dot. "Yes, home," repeated Mr. Starr. "The rivermen will soon start the logs down stream and there is nothing further to keep us here, but I am needed at the other end." "Oh, I was hoping we might live here until summer," said Lavinia, regretfully. "You are not homesick, then," smiled Mrs. Starr. "Homesick! I should say not!" declared the children.

I call that an improvement on the continental cup, saucer, and napkin accommodation, said Lavinia, proudly displaying a wash-stand that looked like a dinner-table laid for a dozen, such was the display of glass, china, and napery.

"Here she comes now; you, of course, know the fine quality of Miss Clendenning's ear." Herr Unger placed his five fat fingers over his waist-baud, bowed as low to Miss Lavinia as his great girth would permit, and said: "Ah, yes, I know. Miss Clendenning not only haf de ear she haf de life in de end of de finger. De piano make de sound like de bird when she touch it."

Mary took them up and chanted them: "Mark Emilius Olivier; Daniel Olivier; Rodney Olivier; Victor Justus Olivier; Lavinia Mary Olivier; Charlotte Louisa Olivier." She liked the sound of them. She sat between Uncle Victor and Aunt Lavvy. Roddy was squeezed into the corner between Mamma and Mark. Aunt Charlotte sat opposite her between Mark and Daniel. She had to look at Aunt Charlotte's face.

Above, Lavinia halted at the strange spectacle clearly drawn against the luminous depths of space of Mochales and her husband rigidly facing each other. "I must admit," Orsi said in an exasperated voice, "that I don't understand." Lavinia saw that he was holding something in a half-extended hand. Moving closer, she identified the object as the necklace he had given Gheta.

"What is beauty itself, but a spontaneous influence?" added Carlton; "don't you recollect 'the lovely young Lavinia' in Thomson?" "Well, gentlemen," said Vincent, "when I am Chancellor I will give a prize essay on 'Moral Influence, its Kinds and Causes, and Mr. Sheffield shall get it; and as to Carlton, he shall be my Poetry Professor when I am Convocation."

Almond was surprised at her levity in foisting a most deplorable engagement upon Catherine. "Deplorable?" cried Lavinia. "He will make her a lovely husband!" "I don't believe in lovely husbands," said Mrs. Almond; "I only believe in good ones. If he marries her, and she comes into Austin's money, they may get on. He will be an idle, amiable, selfish, and doubtless tolerably good-natured fellow.

"I got it in this way without paying a cent of duty," she said in a stage whisper to Miss Lavinia and me in the hall, as she struggled to release the box, wrenching off a waist hook or two as she did so. "Jenks-Smith said it didn't look natural, and I'd surely be spotted, but I said I'd like to see mere hired men try to tell a lady how stout or how thin she had a right to be.