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"And courage never to submit or yield And what is else not to be overcome . . ." Say it over in your great voice, Emmy, and purge us poor rebels of vulgarity." "Pardon me," Emilia answered icily, "I am not conscious of being a rebel nor of any temptation to be vulgar." Molly shot an imploring glance at Hetty: but it was too late, and she knew it. "Hoity-toity!

"That might not look so well before election, would it?" His shrewd gray Irish eyes looked into Mollenhauer's, who returned his gaze. "Where did you get that?" queried Mr. Mollenhauer icily. "He hasn't deliberately taken much money, has he? How much has he taken do you know?" "Quite a bit," replied Butler, quietly. "Nearly five hundred thousand, so I understand.

I wasn't responsible for her eternal drinking." The words skipped out of either mouth like gleeful little devils. Then both were afraid, and both were as icily tranquil as the thing upon the bed. You could not hear anything except the clock upon the mantel. Colonel Musgrave went to the mantel, opened the clock, and with an odd deliberation removed the pendulum from its hook.

I 'ad my fortune told once when I was a boy, and she told me I should marry the prettiest, and the nicest, and the sweetest-tempered gal in Poplar." Mr. Foss, with a triumphant smile, barely waited for him to finish. "There you " he began, and stopped suddenly. "What was you about to remark?" inquired Mrs. Dowson, icily. "I was going to say," replied Mr.

He stopped short and the smile faded from his lips. Jed knew why. The story of his life was just what he had not told, what he could not tell. As January slid icily into February Mr. Gabriel Bearse became an unusually busy person. There were so many things to talk about. Among these was one morsel which Gabe rolled succulently beneath his tongue.

"Yes I do. I wouldn't buy sight-unseen to please God 'lmighty, Cora Madison." He looked at her shrewdly, struck by a sudden thought. "Did Corliss ask you to try and get me in?" "He did not," she responded, icily. "Your refusal is final?" "Certainly!" He struck the pavement a smart rap with his walking-stick. "By George, I believe he did ask you!

"Maybe I'd better go make the coffee?" he suggested hurriedly. "It's after twelve. And it'll do you good. A nice hot cup." "Maybe you had," said Judith icily. "Perhaps I can postpone my conversation with you until the water boils." Lee went into the cabin without looking back. Judith, watching him, saw that he ran his hand across his forehead. She sniffed at him again.

It was not in Paula's nature to think ill of others; but in this case her candid spirit, incapable of falsehood, would not suffer her to be anything but cool to the child; the more effusively Katharina clung to her, the more icily Paula repelled her.

Why, she must have in her possession more coal than Diva herself, since Mr. Wootten had clearly implied that it was Elizabeth who could be borrowed from! And all because of a wretched piece of rose-madder worsted.... By degrees she calmed down, for it was no use attempting to plan revenge with a brain at fever-heat. She must be calm and icily ingenious.

"Morgan la fée in the hospitals," answered Solange d'Albret icily. "Monsieur has heard the name?" "I have heard it," said Doolittle feebly. He had, in common with a great many other people. He had heard that the poilus had given her the name in some fanatic belief that she was a sort of fairy ministering to them and bringing them good luck.