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The girl thrust a square of white linen upon him. "Please take mine it will ruin your clothes if it gets on them." Her immense practicality refused to be embarrassed in the least. Feeling immensely foolish Billy accepted hers, but then he discovered his own handkerchief and stuffed hers away into his pocket. "You're a trump," he said heartily.

'I dare say, once accepted, the O'Mores would heartily receive her; but here, in this place, there are some might think it told against you, and might make her uncomfortable. 'What care I? I've lived and thriven under Bayford scorn many a day. And for her Oh! I defy anything so base to wound a heart so high as hers, and with me to protect her! 'And you can afford it? said Mr. Kendal.

Her mother and friends take on mightily; but the sport is, Sir Robert Holmes do seem to be mad too with his brother, and will disinherit him, saying that he hath ruined himself, marrying below himself, and to his disadvantage; whereas, I said, in this company, that I had married a sister lately, with little above half that portion, that he should have kissed her breech before he should have had her, which, if R. Holmes should hear, would make a great quarrel; but it is true I am heartily sorry for the poor girl that is undone by it.

Johnson, and behaved to him with so much attention and politeness, that he gained upon him insensibly. No man eat more heartily than Johnson, or loved better what was nice and delicate. Mr. Wilkes was very assiduous in helping him to some fine veal.

It was a tedious evening, and Isabel was heartily glad that they were to return to Elm Grove. Life there was at all events endurable, which the life she had spent for the last week was certainly not. She was sick and tired of hearing the oft-repeated question and answer, "Who is that young lady?"

We'll go tomorrow, and on the same evening you shall hear an account of all that happened." With these words the Director seized her hand, and after shaking it heartily, departed. "Get everything ready, Cornelli! We are going to town to-morrow, "he called to his daughter, who sat on the garden bench quietly thinking. "Esther shall call you early, at six o'clock."

And the General would scarcely behave himself from thenceforth to the end of the performance. He said he was heartily glad that the young gentleman was put to death behind the scenes. When Lady Randolph's friend described how her mistress had "flown like lightning up the hill, and plunged herself into the empty air," Mr. Lambert said he was delighted to be rid of her.

Having done so, he helped himself to a glass and a chair, and sat down facing me. "I was speaking, just now, of my late butler," he began, with a sip at his brandy. "Does it strike you that, when confronted with moral delinquency, I am apt to let my indignation get the better of me?" "Not at all," I answered heartily, refilling my glass.

Spain, knowing opposition to be useless, and heartily sick of this distant colony, so hard to govern and so near the quarrelsome Americans, who seem ready to fulfil their threat of taking New Orleans by force if their commercial interests are interfered with, yields a ready assent.

You do right to keep the business to yourself." "You see, it is not my business." "Just so! You are young for a business agent." "That is true, but I am growing older every day." "Exactly so! Good joke!" Andy's companion laughed quite heartily, rather to the surprise of his young acquaintance. "I am very glad to have met you. You see, I am very social, and can't stand being alone.