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I can conscientiously declare, that the complete success of the REMORSE on the first night of its representation did not give me as great or as heart-felt a pleasure, as the observation that the pit and boxes were crowded with faces familiar to me, though of individuals whose names I did not know, and of whom I knew nothing, but that they had attended one or other of my courses of lectures.

Phillips," said Willie, speaking with decision and energy, which proved how heart-felt were the words he uttered, "I have not spent many of the best years of my life toiling beneath a burning sun, and in exile from all that I held most dear, without being sustained by high hopes, aims, and aspirations.

This epilogue is so appropriate to the case, that I cannot but give it to the reader. Mungo enters, and thus addresses the audience: Thank you, my massas! have you laugh your fill? Then let me speak, nor take that freedom ill. E'en from my tongue some heart-felt truths may fall, And outraged Nature claims the care of all.

Sultan Dara detained the happy couple at his court for some time, after which he dismissed them with valuable presents to their own country, which they reached in safety, and were received with the most heart-felt rejoicings by the sultan and the repentant vizier, who now recompensed them by his kindness for the former cruelty of his behaviour towards them; so that in favour with the sultan, and happy in their own family, the lovers henceforth enjoyed every earthly felicity, sweetened by the reflection on past distresses, till the angel of death summoned them to submit to the final destination of mortality.

The face of her sweet babe often reflected a smile of deep, heart-felt happiness, lighting up, ere it faded away into the sober cast of thought, a feeble ray upon the face of her husband. The steady lapse of days, and weeks, and months, brought a steady development of the mind and body of their little one.

Courteously he made obeisance; she took him by the hand. How gallantly he walked by the lady's side! Upon each other this lord and lady gazed with kindling eyes. Full secretly this happed. Was perchance a white hand there fervently pressed by heart-felt love? That know I not; yet I cannot believe that this was left undone, for soon had she betrayed to him her love.

The unmarried are strangers to those delightful or painful sensibilities which drive the soul to continual converse with God, either in heart-felt praises or for divine assistance to glorify him in the discharge of domestic duties. They who vow celibacy, fly in the face of the infinitely wise eternal, who said, 'It is not good for man to be alone. He sets up his puny antagonism to omnipotence.

His mother passed an arm round each, looking wistfully from one to the other and kissing them earnestly, but she said only, with a very heart-felt emphasis, "Poor children!" Fleda was now afraid to speak, but Hugh pressed his inquiry. "Why 'poor' mamma? what makes you say so?" "Because you are poor really, dear Hugh. We have lost everything we have in the world." "Mamma! What do you mean?"

Above all," and the voice of the old man had a heart-felt impressiveness, "Above all, do not flatter the erring man and this is what you do, with the idea that he is walking in the right way; for your, for our first duty, O my friends, is always this to guide the souls of those who trust in us to goodness and truth." "Oh, my master!" cried Pentaur, "how tender is thy severity."

Unwearied care and most affectionate attention were lavished upon her by his mother and both her friends; they all thought they could not do enough to mark their feeling and regard for her. Mrs. Carleton and Mrs. Evelyn nursed her by night and by day. Mrs. Evelyn read to her. Mrs. Thorn would come often to look and smile at her and say a few words of heart-felt pity and sympathy.