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Suddenly Fairbanks, disregarding the plan of retreat indicated by the author, gave a wild leap into a near-by maple, managed to catch a bough, and proceeded to the ground in a series of convulsive falls that gave the director heart-failure. During "The Half-Breed" picture, some of the action took place about a fallen redwood that had its great roots fully twenty feet into the air.

The Law in a small town is sometimes a curious creature; it is sometimes blind only in one eye. Their minds and imaginations in that town were arrested by the romantic proportions of the act. Simply, no one took it up. I believe the man, Wood, was understood to have died of heart-failure.

I feel as if I ought to follow these two personages of my sermonizing story until they come together or separate, to fade, to wither, perhaps to die, at last, of something like what the doctors call heart-failure, but which might more truly be called heart-starvation. When I say die, I do not mean necessarily the death that goes into the obituary column.

"Yes," chimed in Mary Jane, "and 'trifles' yer call it, for a poor woman that raises spuds and washes clothes for the men at the mines for a livin', to lose her fine coach Pete built the very year he took sick of the heart-failure and died, and left me a lone widder in a cold and friendless world!" At which she wiped her eyes with the yellow duster. "'Trifles'!" cried Aunt Eliza again.

A hot flush rose to his brow, and he hesitated to open a letter from Nevin which also awaited his attention. But he forced himself to the task and read that which completed his humility. Mrs. Duveen had died of heart-failure two months before, whilst Paul had been abroad, and Flamby was an orphan.

Kensington is buzzing with gossip concerning the deplorable death of the unfortunate woman. C. F. Meyer, the husband of the victim, accepts the death of his wife as due to heart-failure, and apparently is not disposed to complain. "Mr. Meyer talked freely with a Press reporter yesterday concerning the sickness and death of his wife. He said that Mrs.

From wot I see as puts a Frog in a dither, I sez to myself that if you was to take him to a real hoss-race, he'd never see the finish. No, sir; he'd be dead o' heart-failure afore the hosses was off. Dick smiled at the tremendous seriousness of the old groom, and lay back wearily on the ground. 'We had better both turn in for another nap, he said.

"I can't wait till to-morrow," I pleaded, wild to satisfy my curiosity in regard to an event in which I naturally felt a keen personal interest. He drew me as near to the edge of the crowd as he could. There were new murmurs all about us. "If it's a case of heart-failure, why send for the police?" asked one. "It is better to have an officer or two here," grumbled another. "Here comes a cop."

"Isn't he in danger of heart-failure?" he said; "the old buzzard must be getting stuck on you, I should say." When the two had boarded the yacht, and while the engineer was getting up steam, Frank showed his guest all over that craft. "I am surprised at the size of your boat," said Albert; "why, she is large enough for an ocean voyage."

It might be but it couldn't, for this was away off the road. No one would be cutting straight across that hummocky flat, unless From the desert I come to thee, On my Arab shod with fire "Oh, I'm getting absolutely mushy!" she muttered angrily. "If I've reached the point where I can't see a spot of dust without getting heart-failure over it, why it's time I was shut up somewhere.