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About eight o'clock we had a visit from Infadoos, who appeared but little the worse tough old warrior that he was for his exertions in the battle, although he informed us that he had been up all night. He was delighted to see us, but much grieved at Good's condition, and shook our hands cordially.

The dragon's a real gentleman, every inch of him, and I may say that no one would be more shocked and grieved than he would, at hearing you talk in that that LOOSE way about matters on which he has very strong views!" "Well, perhaps I've been over-credulous," said St. George. "Perhaps I've misjudged the animal. But what are we to do?

Is that what you are driving at?" "It is. Now what shall I do to you for snapping my news from my mouth?" Leila asked severely. "Maybe I don't know as much as you do, so you needn't feel grieved," conciliated Jerry. "Come over here and we will compare notes. I may know something you don't know. You may know something I don't know. Think what a wonderful information session we shall have."

I will hear nothing! Your touch is profanation. I would sooner go down into my grave, out there in the churchyard, under the granite slabs, than become the wife of a man so unprincipled. I am neither piqued nor jealous, for your affairs cannot affect my life; I am only astonished and mortified and grieved. I would sooner feel the coil of a serpent around my waist than your arms."

"Such a man ignorant of letters, and a contemner of Zeus!" The stranger's eloquent thanks roused her from a reverie. The Greek tongue fell upon her ear like the sweetest music, and she grieved when its flow was interrupted by a question addressed directly to herself. "Can a God feel hunger and thirst?" "Surely no," she rejoined. "I should have said the same yesterday," returned the stranger.

Then she turned her eyes, bright with unshed tears, down again to him. "But all seems right again!" she said with a sweet, sad smile, "now that you have come back, my dear ... dear friend!" "God bless you for these words!" "I grieved terribly when I heard ... about you ... at first ..." she said almost gaily now, "yet somehow I could not believe it all ... and now...."

The gentleman did all she wanted, without saying one word, with such a patience, though dejected generosity, which caused me to grieve for my own sex. Few days after, two ladies stepping in the same car, where I occupied two places, fearing of being commanded like the gentleman for whom I grieved, I offered the vacant place next mine to the nearest lady, standing by me.

This surprising disclosure was funny enough, but the tone of grieved indignation in which Mr. Pepper told of his imprisonment was funnier still. The minister coughed violently and looked the other way. "She done it a-purpose," continued Kyan, in a burst of confidence.

It had caused her much pain to lose her home; but it grieved her still more that, in becoming weak and old, she could no longer dance each evening before the butsudan, to please the spirit of the dead whom she had loved. Therefore she wanted to have a picture of herself painted, in the costume and the attitude of the dance, that she might suspend it before the butsudan.

It meant good-bye to Jane, and that meant more to him than, he was willing to admit, despite all that she had said to him. He went to her when the ship was ready to leave port. "Good-bye!" he said. "I'm more grieved than I can tell you, because I believe you think I am a cad." "Lieutenant Bray, a cad never would have helped me as you have helped me, in spite of yourself. Good-bye!"