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Beat them upoh, you don't know what you are saying. He—" At this juncture George straightened out his powerful figure, shook off the Samaritan and with a loud, inarticulate cry rushed off down the street. The driver looked after the retreating figure in utter amazement. "By Gosh! Whywhy; he ain't any more drunk than I am," he gasped. "Well, can you beat that? All bunk!

Next minute a little bald-headed smart Alec, with clothes that had a tailor's sign hull down and out of the race, steps to the front and commences to make a speech. "'Gosh t'mighty, gents, says he. 'With your kind permission, I'll sing "When Reuben Comes to Town." "And he did sing it, too, in a voice that needed cultivatin' worse'n a sandy front yard.

Dizziness seized him, and resigning himself, with an exclamation, to death, he felt himself dropping into space. In the next instant he was caught in Dancing's arms: "Gosh darn it, why didn't you jump, as I told you?" exclaimed the lineman, setting him up on his feet. "You pretty near clean upset us both." "Where are we, Bill?" muttered Bucks, swallowing his shock.

With an embarrassment equal to their host's, his lordship bowed and gave his hand. "I am ze Tollyvoddle vary pleased Mistair Gosh, I soppose?" "Gallosh, my lord. Very honored to welcome you." In the round eyes of Mr. Gallosh, Count Bunker perceived an unmistakable stare of astonishment at the sound of his lordship's accented voice.

Do you think we paint these docks for the fun of havin' you lubbers scrape it off? You'll pay for paintin' it over, sir that's what you'll do, or I'll libel your boat, and send a file of marines down and tie her up, and away he went up the dock to his office again. "'Gosh! I said to myself. 'Guess I'm in a fix, The boys stood around and heard every word, and I tell ye it warn't no joke.

Gosh, it nearly blinded me, and my head still rings like a bell. Ken did not answer. All his energies were needed to steer a course through the scrub which covered the steep hill-side. The morning mist lay thick and clammy.

Eleanor was, Maurice said, like music heard far off, through mists and moonlight in a dark garden, "full of of what are those sweet-smelling things, that bloom only at night?" "Or Johnny," Edith broke in, earnestly. "Johnny? Gosh! Why, Mrs. Houghton, things that don't touch most human beings, affect her terribly. The dark, or thunderstorms, or or anything, makes her nervous. You understand?" Mrs.

A young, blushing, clumsy, long-limbed, small-bodied giant stumbled along the central aisle and climbed the steps to the platform, where Denry pointed him to a seat. He was recognised by all the true votaries of the game. And everybody said to everybody: "By Gosh! It's him, right enough. It's Callear!" And a vast astonishment and expectation of good fortune filled the hall.

"Nothin'," the sheriff answered, slowly. "Won't you give 'em the keys?" "I haven't got 'em." "Gosh!" and Doty's eyes got big as saucers. Very soon the outer door was down, and the crowd came trooping in, all save John Morris, who stopped in the hallway. He seemed to be unable even to look at the sheriff, and the sheriff felt the averted face more than he would have felt a blow.

"Twenty rifles," he said, "of the latest pattern, the same as the soldiers use, and four hundred rounds of ball cartridge." "Gosh," said Gallaher, "but we'd have done great work with them. Either your lads or mine, James McNiece, would have done great work with them. But, sure, what's the use of talking? The police has them now." "Damn the police," said James McNiece.