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You lack the quality of self-sufficiency that is the characteristic of the higher critical faculties. You marry because you need a nurse." He ceased, thoroughly satisfied with the prospect of having brought on a quarrel, raised thumb and first finger in a gingerly loop, ordered a dash of sherry and winked across the group to Tommers, who was listening around his paper from the reading-room.

He found one, lowered himself gingerly, and tested another foothold in a little bunch of dry moss. "All right. My rifle, Steve." It was handed down. At that precise moment there came to them the sound of approaching voices. "Your gun, Steve! Quick. Now, then, over you come. That's right no, the other hand your foot goes there easy, now."

He ate gingerly of the tempting meal she prepared, and refused to have his bed straightened before he went to sleep. "Huccome you put yer pillow on the floor?" she asked. "I ain't believin' in feathers," he answered sullenly; "dey meks me heah things." In vain Amanda tried to cheer him; she recounted the affairs of the day; she gave him all the gossip of the Order of the Sisters of the Star.

Handling this in a cautious and gingerly manner, he placed it carefully in his breast pocket. Then he straightened himself. He switched off the torch, and moved to the window, leaving the rest of his implements by the open safe. He unfastened the shutter, then raised the catch of the window. At this point it seemed to Jimmy that the time had come to interfere.

'Well! he said, 'I suppose I must let you have it, but it's worth thribble the money, so it is He slowly led the way out to the hutch opened the door gingerly, and made a sudden fierce grab at the Psammead, which the Psammead acknowledged in one last long lingering bite. 'Here, take the brute, said the shopman, squeezing the Psammead so tight that he nearly choked it.

"I earned it," he said simply "this week shoeing horses it's the sweetest money I ever got." "Why, Jack," said the Bishop "this will feed us for a week. Come here, Tabitha," he called cheerily "come an' see what happens to them that cast their bread upon the waters. We tuck in this outcast an' now behold our bread come back ag'in." The old woman came up and took it gingerly.

The man left his horse, and, following the servant, suddenly came in behind her. He pulled out from his wool cap with grey top-knots a letter wrapped up in a rag and presented it gingerly to Charles, who rested his elbow on the pillow to read it. Nastasie, standing near the bed, held the light. Madame in modesty had turned to the wall and showed only her back.

Norma turned willingly from Chris and two or three other men and women; it was a privilege to be sufficiently at home in this magnificent place to follow her host up to the nursery upstairs, and be gingerly hugged by the little silk-pajamed boys. Chris watched her go, the big fan and the blue eye and the delightful low voice all busy as she and Hendrick went away, and an odd thought came to him.

And he smiled again, more sweetly than before, as though the idea of hopeless damnation suggested some peculiarly agreeable reflections. Unfolding his fine cologne-scented cambric handkerchief, he carefully wiped his fat white fingers free from the greasy marks of the toast, and, taking up the objectionable cross gingerly, as though it were red-hot, he examined it closely on all sides.

Arrived at the point he had selected, Jorrocks drew himself up gingerly into the fore-rigging, his hat blowing from off his head and his hair streaming out before the wind the instant he abandoned the shelter of the bulwarks. However, he had not long to remain in that exposed position.