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Burke, to slip away thus without a word after doing two poor lone women such a service." "Indeed, ma'am, 'twas with no discourteous intention, but seeing you were safe with your friends I I in short, ma'am " Desmond stopped in confusion, at a loss for a satisfactory explanation. The ladies were smiling. "You thought to flee our acknowledgments," said Mrs. Merriman.

The sight of his whip kindled in my soul new zeal for the poor slaves, knowing as I did how many of them were at that moment skipping in their tortures and striving to flee from the piercing lash.

I have no fear of Monsieur le Marquis. The others they are brutes but they will flee. And they know nothing, they do this for money, ah, mon Dieu, for money which I have furnished!" For a moment, torn between his love and his deep distrust of this woman, poor Dan stood uncertainly. Suddenly he knelt at her side and clasped his arms about her. "Claire, you are on our side? You swear it."

As they looked across the sea they marked a ship drawing near the land, rising and falling upon the waves. Very fearful was the Queen thereat, for the vessel came to anchorage, though there was no helmsman to direct her course. The dame's face became sanguine for dread, and she turned her about to flee, because of her exceeding fear.

The news made Dickson the more resolved to get the watchers under lock and key before reinforcements arrived, and so put grit in their wheels. Then his party must escape flee anywhere so long as it was far from Dalquharter. "You stop here," said Dobson, "I'll go down and let Spidel in. We want another lamp. Get the one that the women use, and for God's sake get a move on."

Why, the depth of his soul asked him, why did you sit in their counting-houses and waste their time? Why did you crucify your body and bind my wings? Why were you deaf to me and desirous of gathering fruits where there are only stones? Why did you, like a coward, flee from your fate to their offices and ware-houses and iron safes and all their doleful business? For the sake of this hour?

"I am sure," said he, "that the Great King will not attack us at once, since he will hope that we shall flee away during the night, having seen his strength." So the Ethiopians filled themselves and then lay down to sleep, which these people can do at any time, even if not tired as they were.

Clemenceau saw that the young man still believed in Césarine, but he did not care to tell him all he knew of her. Had he been told that she had encouraged Gratian to flee with her and had abandoned him at the first danger, without lifting a finger to save him, or her voice to procure him succor, he might loathe and hate her; but Clemenceau meant to say nothing.

Not I, I am sure. I can hardly support you at hame. And ye wad be marrying, I'se warrant, as your father did afore ye, too, and sending your uncle hame a pack o' weans to be fighting and skirling through the house in my auld days, and to take wing and flee aff like yoursell, whenever they were asked to serve a turn about the town?" "I have no thoughts of ever marrying," answered Henry.

When her tribe tried to rescue her, he let loose great storms upon them, his artillery being thunder, lightning, hail, and rain, before which they were forced to flee helter-skelter. An old red chief long ago told me the story, and added gravely that 'it was sartin true, for han'some squaw always catch 'em debil.