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Only here and there a small, dingy cafe for sailors cast a yellow gleam on the bluish sheen of the flagstones. Passing by, one heard a deep murmur of voices inside nothing more. How quiet everything was at the end of the quays on the last night on which I went out for a service cruise as a guest of the Marseilles pilots!

Very very dark? And silent? And my footsteps rang on the hollow flagstones? And I swiped the gold and went forth into the night?" "Yes, yes! That's it." "But why did I swipe it?" "I'm just coming to that," he said, sternly. "Oh, please, sir, I'm awful sorry I interrupted." "It was like this: You wanted to come over here and study medicine so's you could cure your father."

She opened the doors as if she were quite at home, and her heels clicked resolutely on the flagstones. "Be careful," she said, going through a vestibule. "There are three steps." They came out into a court and stopped before an old house. She rang. A little man advanced, hiding his features, and greeted her in an affected, sing-song voice.

The sight of the stables reminded Caroline of the Arab horses; and at the word "horses" Lord Doltimore seized Legard's arm and carried him off to inspect the animals. Caroline, her father, and the admiral followed. Mr. Cleveland happened not to have on his walking-shoes; and the flagstones in the courtyard looked damp; and Mr.

Clatworthy is so ungallant " began Miss Sophia, jabbing with the point of her parasol at a crevice in the flagstones of the verandah. "Fie, dear!" cried Ma'amselle Julie, interrupting. "Well, at any rate, the mazzards are ripe," said Miss Sophia, "and I see no fun in waiting." "So that's the maid," said Susannah to herself, and pitied her having herself no great admiration for Dr.

While the matron delayed Sergeant Breyman below, Atwater and McNerney ascended to the murderer's lair. "I at once saw that the flagstones of the fireplace in the turret had been lifted," hoarsely whispered the overjoyed Dennis. "With this old boar spear I pried up the slabs. It's all down in there. A valise full of notes! Here! Help me drag this couch over the stones, and move the furniture.

Upon the stairs I met Godby, who brought me to a kitchen, very spacious and lofty, paved with great flagstones and with groined arches supporting the roof, and what with this and the wide fireplace flanked with fluted columns and enriched by carvings, I did not doubt that here had once stood a noble abbey or the like.

There was no wind, and not a whisper in the old oak-tree twenty yards away! The moon rose from behind the copse, nearly full; and the two lights struggled, till moonlight conquered, changing the colour and quality of all the garden, stealing along the flagstones, reaching their feet, climbing up, changing their faces. "Well," said Jolyon at last, "you'll be tired, dear; we'd better start.

But nothing in particular happened until the horse struck sparks from the granite flagstones outside Yasmini's gate, and a sleepy Rajput sentry brought his rifle to the challenge. Then it was not exactly obvious what to do next.

In order to amuse the gentlemen, a servant-girl threw a handful of oats before the hens. The shaft of the press appeared to them enormously big. Next they went up to the pigeon-house. The dairy especially astonished them. By turning cocks in the corners, you could get enough water to flood the flagstones, and, as you entered, a sense of grateful coolness came upon you as a surprise.