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He had a small herd of cattle running wild about the creek! and was only too glad to sell a beast. "You can have any bullock you like the biggest in the lot for a fiver but, cash down." The Chinaman pulled out his purse, handed him a five-pound note, and asked when he could have the beast.

The gambler put down another five-pound note, and then, as if it were the slightest thing possible, put a ten-pound note on top of that, which made the side players gasp. Storm had won sufficient to cover the bet and raise it. After that I had to feed in to him five-pound notes, keeping count of their number on my fingers as I did so.

The Baroness strove to address the meeting; but Olivia Q. Fleabody has become a favourite, and carried the day. I am told that at last the bald-headed old gentleman took the Baroness home in a cab. I'd have given a five-pound note to be there. I think I must go some night and hear the Doctor." "I wouldn't go again for anything." "You women are all so jealous of each other. Poor Lady Selina!

Sir Anthony stuffed her handbag with five-pound notes, and at an early hour of the morning sent her up in the car to London in charge of the chauffeur. The chauffeur returned saying that he had bought Miss Althea's ticket at Euston and seen her start off comfortably on her journey.

If, for example, he had found it necessary, in the case of the ounce weights, to add one-fiftieth of an ounce to the one before a difference was detected, he found also, in the case of the five-pound weights, that one-fiftieth of five pounds must be added before producing the same result.

I'm content, as far as reputation goes; I only wish money would come in a little faster; however, the next main of cocks will bring me in something handsome comes off next Wednesday at have ventured ten five-pound notes shouldn't say ventured either run no risk at all, because why? I know my birds." About ten days after this harangue, I called again at about three o'clock one afternoon.

Jermyn, of the Hicks Theatre." "Jermyn or French," says I, my temper getting up, "he's the man I drove to Five Corners last night and fifteen pounds he owes me, neither more nor less." Well, they both laughed again, and the gentleman, he took a pocket-book from the inside pocket of his coat and laid three five-pound notes on the table.

The prospect seemed too promising for me to lose it by any irresolution. I drew out my purse, and laid down two out of the three five-pound notes left me. She gave me a formal receipt in the names of Emile and Louise Perrier, and her sober face wore an expression of satisfaction. "There! it is done," she said, wiping her pen carefully.

"It wasn't a joke, sir," says Cobbs, with humility, "wasn't so meant." "I am glad of that, Cobbs, because I like you, you know, and you're going to live with us. Cobbs!" "Sir." "What do you think my grandmamma gives me when I go down there?" "I couldn't so much as make a guess, sir." "A Bank of England five-pound note, Cobbs." "Whew!" says Cobbs, "that's a spanking sum of money, Master Harry."

She was trembling more than ever. "I have got to say this," said Jim: "I am off with Louisa Clay. We're not going to be married. I don't want her, I never wanted her, and now it seems that she don't want me. And, Alison, you are cleared of that matter of the five-pound note." "Cleared?" said Alison, springing forward, and her eyes lighting up. "Yes, darlin', cleared," said Jim boldly.