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Some sensitive persons rather shrank from seeing him handle these painted panels with those peculiar scratchy finger-nails; it set their teeth on edge. He gave considerable sums of money for many of these paintings, the only liberality he permitted himself, or was capable of. His own room or study was almost bare, and the solitary window looked on a paved passage that led to the stables.

She had berated him, chucked him, taken up with a fast millionaire; and when he returned to resume his place in her heart she had greeted him with her finger-nails. Thus, as usual in wars, each side had bitter grievances which the other could neither acknowledge nor understand. Gilfoyle was as bitter against Kedzie as she was against him.

Of course the key is always in my purse, but she may have had one that fits, and the things are not like I left them, I am 'most sure." "She probably envies your finger-nails, and the trunk, doubtless, was upset in travelling. Besides, I don't think she's malignant. Like most underbred persons, she is curious, and she has cultivated the trait until it has become a disease."

I wouldn't mind so much if she was ever right, but she is a downright fool, and I reckon all fools are pretty much alike. And I have a horrible idea that she suspects something. I have seen her staring at my finger-nails two or three times. And I am 'most sure some one has gone through the little trunk I keep my letters in.

"I dare not go, praefect!... take me back ... I dare not go!" Taurus Antinor, none too patient a man at any time, had to clench his fists and drive his finger-nails into the palms of his hands, else he could have struck this abject, miserable coward. He wrenched his cloak out of the Cæsar's grasp and with a firm grip pulled him roughly up from the ground.

Wardrop was buried in thought, and scratched imaginary lines with his untrimmed finger-nails on the planking. "I make no promise," he said, at last, "for I can't say what may or may not have happened to them. But here's the ship, and here's us." There was a little scornful laughter at this, and Mr. Wardrop knitted his brows.

Finger-nails, hair, and teeth are especially desired, but if they cannot be had, a few drops of saliva will do.

'Thank you, uncle, I prefer standing, I faltered. He also stood his white head bowed forward, the phosphoric glare of his strange eyes shone upon me from under his brows his finger-nails just rested on the table. 'You saw the luggage corded and addressed, as it stands ready for removal in the hall? he asked. I had. Milly and I had read the cards which dangled from the trunk-handles and gun-case.

So he bit his lips and silently watched the deliberate movements of the men, who seemed to find a pleasure in aggravating him by their slowness. The boat could have been unloaded in five minutes, but the operation was made to consume a half-hour, during which time Ridge stood silent, though with finger-nails digging into the palms of his clinched hands.

"But I reckon you lost." Corliss nodded. Sheriff Banks tossed Corliss's note on his desk, reached in his pocket and drew forth a jack-knife with which he began to trim his finger-nails. He paid no apparent attention to the arrival of one of his deputies, but proceeded with his manipulation of the knife. The deputy sidled to a chair and sat watching the sheriff.