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And this, as you must acknowledge, not only proves their falsity, but exonerates Miss Challoner from all possible charge of sentimentality." "Yet she certainly wrote those letters. We had them from Mr. Challoner. The woman who brought them was really her maid. We have not deceived you in this." "I do not believe you." It was not offensively said; but the conviction it expressed was absolute.

I told him all that thee wished, Sally, and that thee had naught to do with his capture. He exonerates Peggy from all thought of treachery, but I grieve to say that the lad exhibits a perverse disbelief in thee, Sally. He would hear of no excuse for thee, though I tried to make him understand how it all came about." "I knew it," said Sally with tears. "I knew he would not believe in me."

His arm had stolen around the burnous so softly that it followed the curves of her figure as lightly as a fold of the garment, and was presumably unfelt. Grief has its privileges, and suffering exonerates a questionable situation. In another moment her fair head MIGHT have dropped upon his shoulder. But an approaching voice uprose in the adjoining broad allee.

At that juncture Weisspriess opened the door, and Anna's eyes met his. "You don't spare me," she murmured to Lena. Her voice trembled, and Wilfrid bent his head near her, pressing her hand, and said, "Not only I, but Countess Alessandra Ammiani exonerates you from blame. As she loves her country, you love yours. My words to Karl were an exaggeration of what I know and think.

This by no means exonerates her from blame, who deliberately entered the marriage state with so little respect for her companion, as to cherish a determined purpose of lording it over him, as her inferior. Ambition of power is always a dangerous principle of conduct.

He was run down by a heavy furniture van and badly crushed. I could not save him, but he knew me, and gave me this paper, which is a confession of his guilt. It completely exonerates your brother." "Thank God!" she fervently exclaimed, clasping the paper to her heart. "Shall we tell Mrs. Haydn?" he asked, still gravely supporting her.

She entered my room before the will could have been executed, and she did not leave it until after her husband's death." "Your evidence is conclusive, Captain Copplestone, and it exonerates her ladyship from all suspicion," said the coroner. "My evidence can be confirmed in every particular by my old servant, Solomon Grundy," said the captain, "if it requires confirmation."

That demand, which today in all democratic self-governing countries is being made by women, to be accorded their share in the electoral, and ultimately in the legislative and executive duties of government, is based on two grounds: the wider, and more important, that they find nothing in the nature of their sex-function which exonerates them, as human beings, from their obligation to take part in the labours of guidance and government in their state: the narrower, but yet important ground, that, in as far as in one direction, i.e., in the special form of their sex function takes, they do differ from the male, they, in so far, form a class and are bound to represent the interests of, and to give the state the benefit of, the insight of their class, in certain directions.

Martha had cooked and served an elaborate meal, and elaborate meals usually do make people cross either before or after. Christ gently reproved her. "Mary hath chosen the better part." Just here let us say something in Mary's favor. Martha by her protest against Mary's behavior on this particular occasion, exonerates Mary from the general charge of laziness which is often made against her.

'Am I then to have the pleasure of an interview with Mademoiselle to-day? he inquired. 'I hope she exonerates me from any blame in connection with the announcement made at Sagan? 'Entirely. But she is inclined to insist that her consent was conditional no more. 'I only desire the opportunity of assuring her of my entire devotion, said Elmur.