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Lavendar; "I'm obliged to you." "What, temperance?" snarled the other. "Well, I hope so," Dr. Lavendar said, "but not a teetotaler, if that's what you mean. Only I don't happen to want any whiskey at five o'clock in the afternoon." At which his host swore softly, and lifting the decanter poured out two good fingers. "Mr. Wright," said Dr.

But if you knew how my nerves were going." His eyes wandered from hers back to the decanters. "If I had just one glass " "I'll have one, too," she said, with a motion toward the decanter next her. He threw up his arms. "Oh well, go on. I'll listen as well as I can." He sank down in his chair and stretched his little feet out toward the fire. "Go on!" She hesitated before she began.

Her hands were beautiful, too; they all had handsome hands, whose movements were graceful and expressive. When Ben arrived, Murphy set the dishes before him, and Adelaide began to talk in a lively, brilliant way. He did not ask for wine, but I saw him look toward it and Desmond. The decanter was empty. After the dessert, Mrs.

"Oh, punch, you are my darlin'," hummed another, as a large, square, half-gallon decanter of whiskey was placed on the table, the various decanters of wine being now ignominiously sent down to the end of the board without any evidence of regret on any face save Sir George Dashwood's, who mixed his tumbler with a very rebellious conscience.

'Don't look so gloomy, O'Shea, cried Kearney: 'I have not so good a cook, nor, I'm sorry to say, so good a cellar, as at the Barn; but there are young faces, and young voices, and young laughter, and a light step on the stairs; and if I know anything, or rather, if I remember anything, these will warm a heart at your age better than '44 claret or the crustiest port that ever stained a decanter.

Schuyler said, eyes closing a little: "A lady." "Well, send her " Then, as Parks started to go: "No, tell her I'm not here." "Very well, sir." Again Parks started to leave the room; again Schuyler stopped him. "Wait. I've changed my mind. I'll see her." He reached for the decanter of brandy, and poured into one of the glasses an even inch of the amber liquor.

Even Spike himself seemed to be aware that there were points in his appearance which would have distressed the editor of a men's fashion paper. "'Scuse dese duds," he said. "Me man's bin an' mislaid de trunk wit' me best suit in. Dis is me number two." "Don't mention it, Spike," said Jimmy. "You look like a matinee idol. Have a drink?" Spike's eye gleamed as he reached for the decanter.

In the little room downstairs we found Eliza seated in his arm-chair in state. I groped my way towards my usual chair in the corner while Nannie went to the sideboard and brought out a decanter of sherry and some wine-glasses. She set these on the table and invited us to take a little glass of wine. Then, at her sister's bidding, she filled out the sherry into the glasses and passed them to us.

The waiter, looking very sleepy, and with a green shade on his brow, appeared with the decanter and glasses on a salver, and was told to leave it and depart. Seeing that Harry was not to be moved, I once more threw myself on the lounge.

Miller; and then, true to his Southern training, reappeared in the parlor with a decanter of wine and some flaky "Angels' food" upon a silver salver. The doctor had gone to the hospital, he explained, but would soon return. Then he vanished.