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For instance, in the cut-glass edge of an inkstand or a decanter, or in one of those old-fashioned hanging pieces of cut-glass that dangle from the chandelier or candle-brackets. Of course you have often seen these colours reflected on the wall, and tried to get them to shine upon your face.

There was a scandal about his drenching a dog with petroleum and setting it on fire her ladyship's dog, to make the matter worse and that was only hushed up with difficulty. Then he threw a decanter at that maid, Theresa Wright there was trouble about that. On the whole, and between ourselves, it will be a brighter house without him. What are you looking at now?

She was unconscious of the contempt in her eyes, the scornful ring in her voice, and Verity had the good sense to restrain the wrath that bubbled up in him until the door closed, and he was alone. He grabbed the decanter and refilled his glass. "Nice thing!" he growled.

But the brandy in the decanter.... How it beckoned and allured and tempted. And the throat and palate of the man were parched with the desire of it. And yet, a moment before, with the toils about his feet, Saxham had wondered at the thought of these degraded years of bondage. He shook his head sullenly as Taggart repeated his question, and went away to wash and get dressed.

He did not read as rapidly and impulsively as Ivan Dmitritch had done in the past, but slowly and with concentration, often pausing over a passage which he liked or did not find intelligible. Near the books there always stood a decanter of vodka, and a salted cucumber or a pickled apple lay beside it, not on a plate, but on the baize table-cloth.

August 7th. I slept tranquilly. He drank the water out of my decanter, but did not disturb my sleep. I ask myself whether I am mad. As I was walking just now in the sun by the riverside, doubts as to my own sanity arose in me; not vague doubts such as I have had hitherto, but precise and absolute doubts.

One of his favourite sights was the pouring out of the molten iron into the moulds for the larger class of castings; when some twelve or sixteen tons, by the aid of my screw safety ladle, were decanted with as much neatness and exactness as the pouring out of a glass of wine from a decanter.

Bring your decanter and your glass with you, and you shall spare me half a glass for myself, and if you can't guess what one of the questions that I shall ask Mr Georgie is: well " Georgie made haste to avail himself of this hospitality for he was bursting with the most important news that had been his since the night of the burglaries.

"There's nothing missing," said my mother, "so far as I can find out. Depend upon it, that's the explanation: she has got frightened and has run away. "But what was there to frighten her?" said my father, pausing with a decanter in one hand and the bottle in the other. "It was the idea of the thing," replied my mother. "She has never been used to waiting at table.

"Nothing," said Bill, faintly; "have you got any whiskey handy?" Islington brought a decanter, and, pouring out some spirits, handed the glass to Bill. Bill drained it, and then said, "Who is Miss Masterman?" "Mr. Masterman's daughter; that is, an adopted daughter, I believe." "Wot name?" "I really don't know," said Islington, pettishly, more vexed than he cared to own at this questioning.