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There through the side exit the stage door is that way. She promised to have her chum with her they'll be waiting if we don't hurry." Conward steered him to the stage entrance, where a little group was already congregated. In a moment the girl appeared, handsomely dressed in furs. Dave would not have known her, but Conward recognized her at once, and stepped forward.

"Some one's got to go out and explain to the crowd," said the fire chief to Dave. "If you know about this strike you'll have to tell the boys." "Crawford said he'd talk," answered Sanders. "He ain't here. It's up to you. Go ahead. Just tell 'em why you rang the bell." Dave found himself pushed forward to the steps of the court-house a few yards away.

We are in possession of Joseph Marner's shop, and have found large quantities of goods that we have reason to believe are the proceeds of these and other robberies." After the prisoners had left the dock, Captain Dave went up to the officer.

But don't git the notion you can ride me. I won't stand for it a minute." "Sho! Dave didn't mean anything like that. Did you, Dave?" interposed Dumont hastily. "You was just kind o' jokin', wasn't you?" "Well, I'm servin' notice right now that when any one drops around any jokes about me bein' buffaloed, he's foolin' with dynamite. No man alive can run a sandy on me an' git away with it."

Twice or thrice she opened her lips as if to address him, but apparently some restraining thought interposed. Finally, the impulse to utter her mind culminated. "Dave," she said, "d' you know what Deakin Perkins is sayin' about ye?" David opened his paper so as to hide his face, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he asked in return, "Wa'al, what's the deakin sayin' now?"

"I wonder," asked Dave Darrin huskily, "whether it is really necessary for me to assure you of the tremendous burden of obligation that you've put upon me?" "It isn't necessary, any way that you can look at the question," retorted Farley promptly. "What we did for you, Darrin, is no more than we'd stand ready to do for any man in the brigade who was being ground down and out by a mean trickster."

"Does a financier always hogtie a proposition before he backs it?" Dave asked him once with a sardonic gleam in his eye. "Always." "No matter how much he trusts the people he's doing business with?" "He binds them hard and fast just the same. It's the only way to do. Give away as much money as you want to, but when you loan money look after your security like a hawk."

He strikes the plains like he's crime from the clouds an' is dead without a quiver. "'Bury him? No! says Old Man Enright to Dave Tutt who asks the question. 'Let him find his bed where he falls.

She was clear on the point, however, by the time Dave, merely watchful till now, suddenly asked a question: "What are stwins?" He had long been anxious for enlightenment on this point, and now saw his opportunity. His inquiry was checked if his curiosity was not satisfied by a statement that when a little boy had a brother the same age that was twins, incorrectly stwins.

He slipped his hand in and drew out a black metal globe, about the size of a cricket ball. It had a length of dark cord-like stuff projecting from a hole in it. It was all he could do to repress a yell of delight. 'What luck! he muttered. 'Oh, I say, what luck! 'What the mischief have you got there? inquired Dave. 'What is it? 'A bomb. One of the German hand grenades. Quick!