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"I wonder how Oily Dave likes being at the fishing to-day?" said Phil, swaying himself to and fro and jerking the boat fearfully with his short, uneven strokes. But Katherine, sitting in a huddled, wet heap on the opposite seat, did not answer. She was thinking of someone else who was at the fishing, and praying that he might be kept in safety and brought back unharmed. A Bearer of Evil Tidings

"Stop that man!" shouted Dave. In a flash the young aviator took in the meaning of the situation. The fugitive, for such he now was, made a quick move the instant he gained his feet. Not waiting to see who had obstructed his progress, and probably deciding that it was the police, he bounded in among some bushes. Dave, running after him, made out his form dimly, swiftly scaling a rear brick wall.

The boys felt first class as they finished a repast that sent them on their way complacent and delighted. "The company will acknowledge the contract, Colonel Lyon," said Dave, as they left the porch, "and attend to other details." "I don't suppose, Dashaway," answered the showman, "that you're open for such a week stunt as exhibiting at some of my county fairs?"

He glided from unconsciousness into a wandering state of mind before the hour of noon. His wound was an ugly, fiery affair, made worse by all that he did. For having returned from his lethargy, he promptly began to fight anew all his battles with horses, men, and love that had crossed his summer orbit. Gettysburg, Dave, and Napoleon begged for the brunt of the battle. They got it.

This was very mystifying to Dave, and he said so. "The woman'll recognize me, quick enough," Blaze asserted, and then, "God knows what Paloma will do." "Really! Is it that bad?" "It's a vile story, Dave, and I never expected to tell anybody; but it's bound to come out on me now, so you better hear my side.

"I hope Captain Putnam, is not so severe," said Fred. "Not by a jugful, Garrison," came from Captain Harry. "He's strict, and makes everybody toe the mark, but you couldn't find a better all-around man." "Then he'll suit me." It was now quite late, and presently a loud, clear bell rang out in the belfry. "Six o'clock," said Captain Dave Kearney. "That is to bring in the boys from the playground.

Had the battle begun then and there, Hale's death was sure, and Dave knew that Hale must know that as well as he: and yet with magnificent audacity, there he was unarmed, personally helpless, and invested with an insulting certainty that not a shot would be fired.

"Well, take 'em off then!" Dave jumped down and pulled them off-leaving his socks on. More than a dozen horses went out, and when the starter said "Off!" did n't they go! Our eyes at once followed Bess. Dave was at her right from the jump the very opposite to what Dad had told him. In the first furlong she put fully twenty yards of daylight between herself and the field she came after the field.

"W'en Mars Dugal hearn 'bout de ham, he say he wuz might'ly 'ceived en disapp'inted in Dave. He say he wouldn' nebber hab no mo' conferdence in no nigger, en Mars Walker could do des ez he wuz a mineter wid Dave er any er de res' er de niggers.

His eyes still burned, but they were no longer dry, and his gulps were periodic, threatening a catastrophe of the most dreadful sort. Frank, the dog, swallowed the cake hungrily, eating it with a terrible ease, as he was wont to eat enemy dogs. Midsummer faded into late summer, and Dave Cowan was still small-towning it.