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Heman Daniels answered the question. He spoke with authority. "Mr. Holliday is a fine gentleman," he announced, emphatically. "I've seen him two or three times since he came. He's a millionaire, but it doesn't make him pompous or stand-offish. He and I spoke er conversed together as friendly and easy as if we had known each other all our lives. He is very much interested in East Wellmouth.

By the Almighty, Elkanah Daniels! I'll You take that back or I'll choke the everlastin' soul out of you. I will " "Let go, you lunatic! You'll kill yourself. Listen! I'm not lying. It's the truth. She's met a man, I tell you. Been meeting him for months, I guess. There! now will you listen?" The footsteps had ceased, but the heavy breathing continued. "A man!" gasped Eben. "A man! Gracie!

"I could name you a silent man or two in Brownsville," he said, "but there ain't only one man that knows the country right." "That so? And who might he be?" "Me." "You?" echoed Daniels in surprise. He turned and considered Gary as if for the first time. "Maybe you know the lay of the land up as far as Hawkin's Arroyo?" "Me? Son, I know every cactus clear to Bald Eagle." "H-m-m!" muttered Daniels.

The wolf received this command with a snarl even more blood-curdling than before, but he obeyed, slinking sidewise a reluctant pace or two, and then springing to the back of the stallion with a single bound. There he crouched, still snarling softly until his master raised a significant forefinger. At that he lowered his head and maintained a fiercely observant silence. "Dan!" called Buck Daniels.

We most respectfully request that this measure be not forced upon the people of North Carolina." On August 13 the Governor, accompanied by Mrs. Bickett, Mrs. Daniels and Mrs.

And Kate ran to the window with the wolf-dog snarling beside her and saw standing in front of the house, his hat off, his black hair wildly tumbled, and two guns in his hands, Buck Daniels! Behind him the tall bay mare shook with her panting and glistened with the sweat of the long ride. She heard a scratching next and saw the wolf-dog rear up and paw at the door.

This section needs a good lawyer." "Another good lawyer you mean. Daniels is here, remember. Judging by his remarks this noon he is very much here." "Um yes, I know. If you take his remarks at the value he marks 'em with he's the whole bank and a safe-deposit vault hove in. But I wouldn't wonder if those remarks was subject to a discount.

Are your sermons that way, too? Captain Elkanah doesn't like his ministers to be too original." The minister set his teeth. At that moment he felt an intense desire to bid the Daniels family mind their own business. Then another thought struck him. "Possibly your Uncle Eben might be somewhat er surprised if he knew you were with me. Perhaps he might have something to say on the subject."

Daniels came back she had with her a trim-looking girl of prepossessing appearance. "This is Fanny," said she; "she knows Emily well, being in the habit of waiting on her at table; she will tell you what you want to hear. I have explained to her," she went on, nodding towards Mr.

Then he clasped the hand of the larger man, and his face lighted. "Buck," he said, "I been sort of lonesome. It feels pretty good to see you agin." "Oh man," answered Buck Daniels, "speakin' of bein' lonesome " He checked himself. "How about steppin' inside and havin' a talk?" The other started forward agreeably, but stopped almost at once. "Heel!" he called, without turning his head.