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That was the sum and substance of Johnny Darbyshire's courtship. All the world said the trouble would come afterwards; but if it did come, it was not to Johnny. Never was chanticleer so crouse on his own dung-hill, as Johnny Darbyshire was in his own house. He was lord and master there to a certainty.

Later, though, in one of the resorts of Elmwood, Sam overheard Crouse boasting to some boon companions of what he had done, but, instead of telling what he knew, and clearing our hero, Sam kept silent, letting the blame rest on Tom. And it was Sam's school pin the farmer found near the hay.

CRAME, a booth, a merchant's shop. CREAGH, an incursion for plunder, termed on the Borders a raid. CROUSE, bold, courageous. CRUMMY, a cow with crooked horns. CUITTLE, tickle. CURRAGH, a Highland boat. DAFT, mad, foolish. DEBINDED, bound down. DECREET, an order of decree. DEOCH AN DORUIS, the stirrup-cup or parting drink. DERN, concealed, secret. DINMONTS, wethers in the second year.

The tramp said nothing, but he did not make an effort to escape. Probably he realized that it was too late, now. His young captors advanced with him into the lighted kitchen of the farmhouse. "Jake Crouse!" exclaimed the farmer. "Good land, where'd ye git him, boys? An' Ray Blake! Wa'al I never! Where'd ye pick him up?" "In your lane," answered Ray. "We thought you'd be glad to see him."

You'd better confess right now and save yourself heavier punishment." "Good land!" gasped the farmer. "Jake Crouse the feller who used t' work fer me poisoned my horses sot fire t' my hay? It don't seem possible!" "I'd a done a heap more to you if I'd had the chance!" snarled the tramp. "You're the meanest man in seven counties, and you cheated me out of my money.

W. C. Lewis, Chairman of the Finance Committee, is ready to receive the same. Fall of the Wall of Water. Mr. Crouse, proprietor of the South Fork Fishing Club Hotel, came to Johnstown this afternoon. He says: "When the dam of Conemaugh Lake broke the water seemed to leap, scarcely touching the ground. It bounded down the valley, crashing and roaring, carrying everything before it.

Crouse expressed his astonishment that anybody should have the audacity to practice medicine without a diploma, as this woman evidently did, and demanded that the authorities enforce the law at once with the utmost rigor . "Such quacks ought to be dealt with without mercy, as an example to other upstarts!" and with an angry growl the doctor recklessly spat the whole width of the sidewalk. Dr.

"You wish to know who bought cyanide, some time ago?" asked the young man. "Yes," said Tom. "Can you describe Jacob Crouse?" "I don't know that he gave me the right name," said the clerk. "In fact I suspect he didn't. But he was a young fellow, about your own age and build." "He was!" exclaimed Tom, and his voice showed disappointment. "Yes, but he was not so well dressed.

I had accidentally found the clew of the bottle, and I knew that someone giving the name of Crouse had purchased the poison. But even then I was afraid Ray had given the tramp's name to shield himself. Though when the drug clerk said a man with a scar had bought the cyanide I had my doubts. Still I was not sure but what Ray had been hurt in a fight."

Therefore, alas! dear countrymen, O never do the like again, To thirst for vengeance, never ben' Your gun nor pa', But with the English e'en borrow and len', Let anger fa'. Their boasts and bullying, not worth a louse, As our King's the best about the house. 'T is ay good to be sober and douce, To live in peace; For many, I see, for being o'er crouse, Gets broken face.