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Joe," said the Old Un, sinking his voice to a hoarse whisper, "the hour is come perjooce the cloo!" Hereupon Joe produced a pocketbook and took thence a highly ornate coat button whereto a shred of cloth was attached.

"Sir," said Joe, "me an' the Spider searched that wood, an' we found a coat " "Shut up, Joe," snarled the Old Un, "you're tellin' it all wrong. Guv, Joe an' the Spider went a-seekin' an' a-searchin' that wood, an' they found a cloo " "Oh?" said Ravenslee. "A cloo as is a-goin' t' 'ang somebody yet a cloo, Guv, as ain't t' be ekalled for blood-guilt an' mystery.

"I searched her box through and through," said his niece, "but it wasn't there; then I came down again and had a rare good cry all to myself." "That's the best way for you to have it," remarked Mr. Negget, feelingly. Mrs. Negget's uncle instinctively motioned his niece to silence, and holding his chin in his hand, scowled frightfully in the intensity of thought. "See a cloo?" inquired Mr.

Some of us will remain in the hall each time." At San Cloo I hired of a quiet young fellow about thirty-five years of age, who kept a very neat livery stable there, a sort of victoria and a big Percheron horse, with fetlock whiskers that reminded me of the Sutherland sisters.

For a long moment Ravenslee sat languidly twisting the button in thin white fingers, then flicked it far out over the balustrade down among the dense evergreens in the garden below. The Old Un gasped, Joe gaped, and the Spider sighed audibly. "Lorgorramighty! Oh, Guv, Guv " quavered the old man, "you've throwed away our cloo our blood-cloo th' p'lice you've lost our evidence "

The palais at San Cloo presents a rather dejected appearance since it was burned, and the scorched walls are bare, save where here and there a warped and wilted water pipe festoons the blackened and blistered wreck of what was once so grand and so gay. San Cloo has a normal school for the training of male teachers only.

Joe an' the Spider's on the track, an' they're goin' to track Fate to doom, ma'am to perishin' doom! Y' see," here the old man leaned suddenly nearer, "y' see, Joe's found a cloo!" "A clew! Yes yes!" she whispered breathlessly, moistening lips suddenly dry, and conscious that Spike's lax form had stiffened to painful alertness.

And yet the same blue, ozonic sky, if I may be allowed to coin a word, the same soft, restful, dolce frumenti air of gentle, genial health, and of cark destroying, magnetic balm to the congested soul, the inflamed nerve and the festering brain, are present in Asheville that one finds in the quiet drives of San Cloo with the successful squirt of the mighty fountains of Vairsi and the dark and whispering forests of Fon-taine-bloo.

"I searched her box through and through," said his niece, "but it wasn't there; then I came down again and had a rare good cry all to myself." "That's the best way for you to have it," remarked Mr. Negget, feelingly. Mrs. Negget's uncle instinctively motioned his niece to silence, and holding his chin in his hand, scowled frightfully in the intensity of thought. "See a cloo?" inquired Mr.