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To some Death comes like a footpad, suddenly, and presents his pistol and the smoke that curls upward from his empty barrel is your soul. To another he comes featureless, a stealthily accumulating London fog, that slowly, slowly chokes the life out of you, without allowing you the consolation of a single picturesque moment, a single grand attitude.

The comic man is not a sportsman. If he goes out shooting, we know that when he returns we shall hear that he has shot the dog. The comic man never goes out for a day's pleasure without coming home a wreck. If he merely goes to tea with his girl at her mother's, he swallows a muffin and chokes himself.

"I've tried," she said, when her sister appeared in the doorway again, "but I can't, it chokes me." She drank her tea greedily. "I am so thirsty; I believe I've got a fever." But Elizabeth was gone again, and Elsie stood staring at the paté a magnificent affair, she knew it was one of Maillard's best, full of truffles and all sorts of delicious things.

Then methought "It were an easy leap to pluck bright honour from the pale-faced moon;" but now I am old and fat, and there is something in fat which chokes or destroys ambition. It would appear that it is requisite for the body to be active and springing as the mind; and if it is not, it weighs the latter down to its own gravity. Who ever heard of a fat man being ambitious?

Tekeli however did not improve this advantage: being apprized of the fate of his allies, and afraid of seeing his retreat cut off by the snow that frequently chokes up the passes of the mountains, he retreated again to Valachia, and prince Louis returned to Vienna.

"She's lost Sheila for one thing. That unspeakable Collier Pratt I hope he chokes on his dinner to-night, and I hope it's a rotten dinner has taken the child away." "The devil he has." There was a step on the rickety stair. "Hush! There she is now," Caroline cried. "No," Betty said quietly, listening. "That's not Nancy. That's your brother, Caroline."

I could see how it might be inevitable a sort of pressure, a fatality that might not be resisted. Even cowardice might be overcome when that pressure was put on. It is a very amazing thing to feel that you have no money, nor any means of getting even eightpence: it chokes you: you feel as if the wheel had made its last revolution, and there was no power to make it turn again.

And I reckon I saved that deputy a awful wallopin'. When a fella like young Adams talks pleasant and chokes his hat to death at the same time you can watch out for somethin' to fall." "Do you think Adams would have had it out with him?" "He'd 'a' rode along a spell, like he said. Mebby just this side of the county line he'd 'a' told the deputy which way was north.

"You've got the wrong hunch on me. I ain't any uneducated sheepherder. Don't run away with that notion. Me, I went through the first year of the High School at Tucson. I know all about amo, amas, amat, and how to make a flying tackle. Course oncet in a while I slip up in grammar. There's heap too much grammar in the world, anyhow. It plumb chokes up a man's language." "All right, Steve. Show me.

As he heaved a sigh on taking the last mouthful of bread hardly knowing where to put it, for he was full to the chin, his wife remonstrated with him, that God did not desire the death of a sinner, and that for lack of putting a crust of bread in his belly, he would not be reproached for having put things in their wrong places. "'Hold your tongue, wife! said he. 'If it chokes me, I must fast."