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Tilly's bump of good fortune being extraordinarily well developed, the baby usually managed to come out from the siege unharmed, to be soothed and comforted in Tilly's own peculiar fashion; her most common method of amusement being to reproduce for its entertainment scraps of conversation current in the house, with all the sense left out of them, and all the nouns changed to the plural number, as "Did its mothers make it up a beds then!

The dog rose, again growled deeply, and came to lay his great, intelligent looking head on the counterpane, still obstinately casting a sidelong glance at the window; the sisters bent over him to pat his broad forehead, in the centre of which was a remarkable bump, the certain sign of extreme purity of race.

They were deeply moved, and followed with the doctor to the quay where they stood in a row wiping their eyes. I almost felt as if I was at my own funeral! The old stretcher-bearers were so anxious not to bump me that they were clumsier in their nervousness than I had ever seen them!

As he gained the floor his eyes met Arthur's face. "Bless de Lord, young massa, how came you by dat offal bump 'long side ob your head?" Arthur drew his hat hastily over his brow, and turned away with a dissatisfied air, without giving any reply.

Good-humored grins and rueful scowls chased one another over his face, according as he patted Parker's back or rubbed the bump on his own head. "Sure, there's a big knob there, my boy. There's only one thing that's harder than your fist, an' that's Spinnaker ice." Parker attempted some embarrassed reply in way of apology, for this magnanimity of his foe touched him.

"Very well, my Lady," was the answer, in a tone just like that in which Lady Barbara said "Oh!" And the door stayed open; but Kate could not sleep. There seemed to be the rattle and bump of the train going on in her bed; the gas- lights in the streets below came in unnaturally, and the noises were much more frightful and unaccountable than any she had ever heard at home.

And the rage on the noble brow of Parkins awful Parkins. I should like to give his pride a bump." Mother and daughter were pacing the colonel's veranda, behind a partial screen of rose vines October vines fast shedding their leaves. Every breeze shook a handful down, which the women's skirts swept with them as they walked. Mrs.

"What I'm driving at is this, doctor, and I've been thinking about it for days. Don't you think you could operate on Phoebe's father, put a silver plate on his skull or lift whatever's pressing on his memory bump? Don't you think you could undertake it, doctor? I know you are a famous surgeon. Papa wrote that to me long ago, but I knew it before he told me.

You're doing well right where you are. By jinks! biggest piece o' luck," he went on, half in earnest. "Why, I can't turn around without taking an order fact! Turned in a book on the livery bill that's all right. We'll make a clear hundred dollars out o' that little bump o' yours." "Little bump! Say, now, that's " "Keep it up put it on! Don't get up in a hurry.

Suddenly the signal is given; a creaking noise is heard; the fifty boats right themselves at the same instant, and turn toward the point where the great raft which had separated them has just disappeared. They bump against one another, they get entangled, they group themselves in numberless different ways.