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And Albert's uncle took it, and my father was to come down sometimes from Saturday to Monday, and Albert's uncle was to live with us all the time, and he would be writing a book, and we were not to bother him, but he would give an eye to us. I hope all this is plain. I have said it as short as I can.

"One thing, we've got to keep our mouths shut," he said. "Most people won't bother us but we've got to look out for officers. I'm going to tear my shirt and make a sling for my arm and you've got to limp and keep your mind on it. When you're faking, you limp with your brain remember."

It was another lad altogether that little surprise party was intended for!" And Will grinned mysteriously. "Mebbe 'twas me you was after!" suggested Will Hen Baizley, with a snarl. "I wouldn't bother my head about who it was intended for, if I were you," said Will, in a good-natured voice. "Ef't had been me stidder old Hand, I'd 'a' broke every bone in yer carkus," growled Baizley.

If you don't want to see us, let us alone. I don't bother my former friends. But I need no charity calls, and no criticism disguised as good advice " Then he added apologetically: "I'm sorry but really, Muriel, you mustn't talk like a lady slum-worker even if you are visiting the lower middle classes."

One should always distrust the head of an office or school or society who says, with a self-satisfied air, that it is much more satisfactory to do the thing herself than to depute it to the proper subordinates; it either means that she is an autocrat, or else that she cannot organize. Madame Eglentyne was rather an autocrat, in a good-natured sort of way, and besides she hated bother.

How would Wednesday week do?" "Admirably!" Mary answered. "Do you know whom you take in, Mr. Brooks?" Selina interrupted. Brooks glanced at the card in his hand. "Mrs. Seventon," he said. "Yes, thanks." Selina looked up at him with an arch smile. "Mrs. Seventon is most dreadfully proper," she said. "You will have to be on your best behaviour. Oh, here comes some one. What a bother!"

"Sorry to bother you, boys," he said, "but seems like I've gone and got into a nasty pickle. Please yank me out of this, won't you?" Impetuous Bandy-legs was about to instantly start forward when Max gripped him by the arm. "Don't be foolish, Bandy-legs," he told the other, severely.

She had taken this hard, rash step alone in the dark for love's sake, just as she was ready that unforgettable night to take that rasher step with him to marriage or something less than marriage had he permitted it. She would have preferred to marry him, not to bother with abstractions of right and wrong, to take happiness as it offered but since he would not have it so she had lost herself.

"I'll do anything you please," said Nancy, "if you'll get Miss Fortune to let me stay. Come do, Ellen! It will be splendid! and I'll help you finely, and I won't bother you neither. Come, go ask her; if you don't, I will." "I can't, Nancy; she don't want anybody; and it worries her to talk to her. I can't go and ask her."

Had we been an English ship, or only going to land our cargo of coolies in an English port, like Hong-Kong, for instance, there would have been no end of inquiries and bother, claims for damages and so on. But these Chinamen know their officials better than we do. "The hatches had been taken off already, and they were all on deck after a night and a day down below.