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The diplomatic intrigues at St. Petersburg were intensely amusing after the peace of Tilsit. Alexander coquetted with the English agents, and concealed his plans from the conservative Russians. His lips were sealed about what had occurred at the meeting with Napoleon, and the charge has been disproved that some of his suite blabbed enough to the British diplomats to enable them to divine the rest.

Ye are the children of Death; yea, all of you who are now drawing the breath of life in this house, for to have heard the secret that this slave-girl has blabbed out is sufficient to kill anyone thrice over. I command you, Irene, to take up your veil and follow me, and you others must remain here till the Debedzik with the cord comes to fetch you also."

This very morning when you were holding forth about that confounded major, did I not say then what would be the consequence? That knave, Worm, has blabbed. MRS. MILLER. Gracious heavens! But how do you know? MILLER. How do I know? Look yonder! a messenger of the minister is already at the door inquiring for the fiddler. Oh! God! I am in agony! MILLER. And you, too, with that languishing air?

"Is thet air hired man o' yours a Britisher?" D'ri inquired as soon as the butler was gone. "He is from Liverpool," said she. "Thet's the hole 'n the fence," said he. "Thet's where the goose got away." "The goose! The geese!" said the baroness, thoughtfully. "I do not understand you." "Went 'n' blabbed, thet's whut he done," said D'ri. "Mebbe wrote 'em a letter, gol-dum his pictur'."

Oh, well, I guess likely I know the why!" He sighed despondently. "I told her never to come here again." "You did? What in the world " "Well, for what I thought was good reasons; all on her account they was. And yet she did come back, and kept comin', even after Ase blabbed the whole thing. However, I s'pose that was just to help Georgianna. Oh, hum! I AM an old fool."

Goethe, who tells us that Goetz von Berlichingen was written in the Shakespearian manner, and we certainly should not have guessed it, if he had not blabbed, comes to the final conclusion, that Shakespeare was a poet, but not a dramatist. Chateaubriand thinks that he has corrupted art.

Murphy was thereupon immediately sent for; and the doctor in his presence repeated again what he had seen at his lodgings as the foundation of his suing him, which the attorney, as we have before seen, had blabbed to Atkinson. But no sooner did the doctor hear that Booth was arrested than the wretched condition of his wife and family began to affect his mind.

As a boy you always had plenty of cheek! Between ourselves! You seem to know a good deal. I hope to goodness you haven't blabbed to Carrissima!" "About your engagement, do you mean?" "Yes, yes," said the colonel impatiently. "I haven't said a word. In fact, she has not the remotest idea of anything of the kind."

"Why, sir, before Lady Ellinor set out she was afraid that there might be something in the papers to alarm Miss Fanny, and so she sent Henry down to Lady Castleton's to beg her ladyship to make as light of it as she could; but it seems that Henry blabbed the worst to Mrs. Mole." "Who is Mrs. Mole?" "Miss Trevanion's maid, sir, a new maid; and Mrs.

"I trust," said Sir Henry, sitting down by his desk, after having taken a tender farewell of his son, "that Rochecliffe has not blabbed out the secret of the plot to yonder fellow Tomkins, who was not unlikely to prate of it out of school. But here am I seated perhaps for the last time, with my Bible on the one hand, and old Will on the other, prepared, thank God, to die as I have lived.