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"And I say, mate," he added, "I'm mortal hungry." "Well," said I, "come into the house, and you shall have a bite if I go empty for it." With that I brought him in and set him down to my own place, where he fell-to greedily on the remains of breakfast, winking to me between whiles, and making many faces, which I think the poor soul considered manly.

Just then a legion of devils passed by, and some attempted to bite the heels of ten or twelve of the devils that had brought them there: "Woe and ruin take you, ye hell-hounds!" exclaimed one of the bitten devils, at the same time stamping upon the quagmire until they sank in the reeking depths.

I could almost see the lines on his forehead and the nervous, jerky way in which he would be biting his fingers a trick of his that had always annoyed me intensely. He would bite harder than ever if he only knew that I was standing outside in the darkness not more than twenty yards away from him!

A nervous disorder that had arrived at so high a degree of development must have been long in existence, and doubtless had required an elaborate preparation by the concurrence of general causes. The symptoms which followed the bite of venomous spiders were well known to the ancients, and had excited the attention of their best observers, who agree in their descriptions of them.

But at last, even the hungry fishermen declared they couldn't eat another bite, and the young people left the feast and sat on the rocks and tree stumps near by, while Long Sam and Ephraim cleared away and packed up the things to take home.

The veteran of the North Russian expedition will never look at his old knit helmet or wristlets, scarf, or perhaps eat a rare dish of rolled oats, or bite off a chew of plug, or listen to a certain piece on the graphaphone, or look at a Red Cross Christmas Seal without a warm feeling under his left breast pocket for the American Red Cross. Clifford Phillips

"But he ran up on the porch and took my best doll away in his mouth. Now he's gone around to the back yard, and I'm afraid he'll bite her. I called to him to come back, but he wouldn't." "Was it some dog Snap was playing with?" asked Bert. "No, it was a new dog. I'd never seen him before. Oh, dear! He'll bite my doll!" "It won't hurt her to be bitten a little," said Bert with a laugh.

The sun of knowledge and liberty is already high in the heavens it is peeping into every dark nook and corner of the earth and the African cannot be always excluded from its beams. The advocates of slavery remind me of a comparison I once heard differently applied: Even thus does a dog, unwilling to follow his master's carriage, bite the wheels, in a vain effort to stop its progress. Casca.

A rice-mortar is placed in the yard, and on it a dish of basi. All the people are summoned to gather, and one by one they drink of the liquor, meanwhile calling on the snakes to bite them, the lightning to strike them, or their abdomens to swell up and burst if they are guilty. Soon the people will know the culprit, for one of these disasters will befall him.

"No! one against one!" answered Benito. "Really! I should have thought an assassination would have better suited an assassin's son!" "Torres!" exclaimed Benito, "defend yourself, or I will kill you like a mad dog!" "Mad! so be it!" answered Torres. "But I bite, Benito Dacosta, and beware of the wounds!" And then again grasping his manchetta, he put himself on guard and ready to attack his enemy.