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Realizing that he stood between this fair traveller and the friends who were there to wish her god-speed; recognizing, too, with the swift intuition of his class, the possibility of establishing relations on his own account, the young soldier snatched off his new forage-cap, briefly said, "I beg your pardon; take my place," and, swinging outward, transferred himself to the rear of the recruit car, thereby causing the corporal to recoil upon a grinning squad of embryo troopers who were shouting jocular farewell to the natives, and getting much in the way of train-hands who were busy straightening out the bell-cord.

"Ring the bell," I said; "I want the maid." "What are you going to do?" "I'm going to find out what 'sundries' are." She gave the bell-cord such a pull that she broke the wire, and it fell down on her head. "That, too, will go in the bill. Wrap your handkerchief around your hand and give the wire a jerk. Give it a good one. I don't care if it brings the police." The maid came.

He owns two slaves now who are running the river. He keeps out of politics, and he has none of the Yankee faults." "I wish he had," said Virginia. The Colonel made no answer to this. Getting up, he went over to the bell-cord at the door and pulled it. Jackson came in hurriedly. "Is my bag packed?" "Yes, Marsa." "Where are you going?" cried Virginia, in alarm.

The dog understood, pricked up his ears, and ran through a labyrinth of crooked streets till he stood at a little door, with a bell-cord hanging by it. The pilgrim pulled it, the door opened, and an old white-bearded man came out, reached the new-comer his hand, led him like a friend into the house, and bade him sit down. "I have waited long for you, Peter," he said.

His foot felt numb and weak, so he rested his weight on the other foot. He was afraid he would fall off if he became faint, and he had Dennis take off the bell-cord and tie it around his waist, throwing a loop over the reverse lever, as a measure of safety. The right side of the cab and all the roof were gone, so that Miles was in plain sight.

Without another word Jack pulled the bell-cord, and, throwing the valves wide open, sent the train thundering out of the station along the gleaming track into dangers which the bravest would not have cared to anticipate. Precious Moments The little crowd at the station waved their hands and gave expression to prolonged cries, as the train thundered away on its perilous run.

In twelve minutes from the time he entered the bedroom he was ready. He pulled the bell-cord, and then passed out. A servant met him on the stairs, and in another minute he was inside the dining-room. Sir William's eyes flashed up. There was smouldering excitement in his face, but one could not have guessed at anything unusual. A seat had been placed for Gaston beside him.

I beg your pardon for pulling the bell-cord so violently from your hand last night you must have thought me quite ill-bred; and still more, I reproach myself for what I said about hypocracy You have certainly the sweetest and gentlest temper imaginable would to Heaven I had! But the strength of my feelings absolutely runs away with me.

Opposite the end of the avenue he saw the two little windows in the second floor; and in his passionate longing he seemed to see Ellen standing there and beckoning. He ran now, and took the stairs three or four at a time. Just as he was about to pull the bell-cord, he heard strange voices within, and paused as though paralyzed.

I hurried out and rushed down the street seeking an officer. Up in the den, Wu Fang, silent, stood with his back to the wall, scowling sullenly. Close beside him hung a sort of bell-cord, just out of reach. Kennedy, revolver in hand, was examining the writing-table to discover whatever evidence he could. Slowly, imperceptibly, inch by inch, Wu moved toward the bell-cord.