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We were able to trace the car without much difficulty, and the body of your patient Phillips was found at his home, the other side of Chester. We obtained permission to make an examination, and we found that, just as we expected, fresh bandages had been put on only a few hours previously." "And Doctor Gant?" "He is at an hotel in London.

Mark this that I am going to say, for it is as good as a working professional man's advice, and costs you nothing: It is better to lose a pint of blood from your veins than to have a nerve tapped. Nobody measures your nervous force as it runs away, nor bandages your brain and marrow after the operation. There are men of esprit who are excessively exhausting to some people.

By persistent and careful use of suitable elastic bandages, the support thus given the parts, together with the absorption of products of inflammation which constant pressure occasions, some chronic cases of synovial distension of tendon sheaths recover in two or three months and this without other treatment.

So, while Dom Basilio snipped and rent at his bandages, she gazed at my father on the bed, and my father gazed back into her eyes, drinking the love in them; and the faces of both seemed to shine with a solemn awe.

She found herself laughing over the work she had undertaken in a pure sense of duty; she joined in the hilarity produced by Lee's affected terror of her surgical mania, and offered to undo the bandages in search of the thimble he declared she had left in the wound with a view to further experiments. "You ought to broaden your practice," he suggested.

"If I were he, and getting the attention he is " "From whom?" demanded Frances, turning on him sharply. "From Ming, of course," responded her father, soberly, but with his eyes a-twinkle. And then Frances fled upstairs again, her cheeks burning as she heard the old ranchman's mellow laughter. Pratt lay on his bed with his head swathed in bandages and his shoulder in a brace.

How should I protect myself if attacked either by savages or wild beasts? how should I procure food, and how should I defend my feet when all my bandages were worn-out, should I not succeed in finding my friends? The most pressing matter was how to procure food. Suddenly I recollected that I had once put a couple of fish-hooks in a pocket-book which I carried with me.

When the young girl showed her the basket that she had filled with medicine and linen bandages, with wine and pure water, Sirona said, "Now lend me a pair of your strongest sandals, for mine are all torn, and I cannot follow the men without shoes, for the stones are sharp, and cut into the flesh."

"Now run down into Garry O'Neil's cabin and get some lint bandages he says he forgot to take with him in his hurry, leaving them on the top of his bunk by the doorway; and tell Weston, the steward, to have a couple of spare bunks ready for the injured men in one of the state rooms aft will be best." "All right, sir," said I, adding, as he seemed to hesitate, "anything else, sir?"

As grim silence settled once more throughout the black interior, the old war-chief, appearing taller than ever in the weird light, and rendered peculiarly repulsive by the bandages wrapping his wounds, rose to his feet, commencing an impassioned address.