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Her big, startled eyes showed the sincerity of her feelings, while her firm, slender fingers deftly applied bandages as she spoke in soothing tones. The soul of a white damsel was in habitation of the body of one whose parents had been black and utterly degraded.

Even he was surprised at the fortitude and skill Virginia showed from the very first, when she had deftly cut away the stiffened blue cloth, and helped to take off the rough bandages. At length the fearful operation was finished, and the weary surgeon, gathering up his box, expressed with all the energy left to him, his thanks to the two ladies. Virginia stood up, faint and dizzy.

But when he spoke of her as "Miss Jansen," and said she was so much more "ladylike and refined than the other servants," she replied by asking him if his bandages hurt him, and, receiving a negative answer, graciously withdrew.

"I'll take a look at him," said Mr. Brown. He saw, lying on a couch, a tall lad, whose face and hands were covered with bandages. The youth was tossing to and fro and murmuring, but what he said could not well be understood, except that now and then he spoke of a lion. "I didn't dare take his coat off to get at the scratches on his shoulders," said Mrs. Jason.

He bumped down on the oak chest, and took a long breath. "But you are frightfully hurt!" she exclaimed. She could not properly see his face for the bandages. Mrs. Tams appeared. Rachel murmured to her in a flash "Go out the back way and fetch Dr. Yardley at once." She felt herself absolutely calm. What puzzled her was Louis' shouting.

"Think out something better, myself; so brace me up with some pillows and give the baby to me." She looked at me aghast and said, "You'd better trust the doctors, or your child will be a helpless cripple." "Yes," I replied, "he would be, if we had left either of those bandages on, but I have an idea of something better."

"No; Bart, will do that," said the Doctor, rolling up his sleeves and placing water, bandages, and forceps ready. "Humph! he cannot bend his arm. Hold it like that, Bart firmly, my lad, and don't flinch. I won't cut you." "I'll be quite firm, sir," said Bart, quietly; and the Doctor raised his knife.

Bob Pretty was sitting up in bed with 'is face covered in bandages, and he seemed quite pleased to see 'im. "It ain't everybody that ud get up at six o'clock to see 'ow I'm getting on," he ses. "You've got a feeling 'art, Dicky." Dicky Weed coughed and looked round, wondering whether the watch was in the room, and, if so, where it was hidden.

As with the skull, so with the nose; the ancient Huns during the age of Attila were accustomed to flatten the noses of their infants with bandages, "for the sake of exaggerating a natural conformation." With the Tahitians, to be called LONG-NOSE is considered as an insult, and they compress the noses and foreheads of their children for the sake of beauty.

The wounded came and went in an unbroken stream. The tables were always occupied. I went from one to another, unwound bandages, held up limbs for amputation, fetched splints, padding, gauze, or new bandages. I was too busy to think or to feel any horror. I was vaguely conscious of nausea and of a hot, stifling atmosphere heavy with the fumes of chloroform and ether.