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"Lysia!" and his voice, even to his own ears, had a solemn as well as passionate thrill, "Lysia, what wouldst thou have with me? Speak! ... for my heart aches with a burden of dark memories, memories conjured up by the wizard spell of thine eyes, those eyes so cruel-sweet that seem to lure me to my soul's ruin!

Come and shake up my pillow, for my poor head aches sadly. I will try to get a little sleep." At that instant, a loud trampling of horses' feet was heard, together with the jingling of spurs and the clanking of armor. "What's that?" cried Aunt Dorothée, running from the bed to the window, and pulling back the little curtain, "Ah, le beau spectacle! Look out, Jacques!"

For thousands of years he has been taught that he has a material body and that this body is intelligent, and knows when it has a toe that aches or a stomach that is out of order, or an arm that it can not move, etc., throughout all the ills that flesh is heir to.

She wants to look tough and boisterous. That's the fad with all the girls, just now. It's only a harmless piece of foolishness." She could not tell him how deeply she resented his ready tone of camaraderie with the other girl; but she was secretly suffering. It hurt her to think that he could forget his aches and be so free and easy with a stranger at a moment's notice.

When a shell of respectable dimensions is presented, and the grateful hermit backs in, settles comfortably, arrays all his weapons against intruders, and peers out with an expression of ferocious content, smiles may come, and will be out of place only when the aches of still increasing bulk force him to hustle again for still more commodious lodgings.

A twinge of his familiar rheumatism, as he put his foot out of bed, taught him that he must not reckon too confidently upon even a day's respite from the intrusive family of aches and infirmities which, with their proverbial fidelity to attachments once formed, had long been the closest acquaintances that the poor old gentleman had in the world.

Rufinus, lying with his head on the gardener's knee, and sheltered from the sun under the abbess' umbrella, presently recovered his senses; looking about him he said to himself in a low voice, as he saw the captain lying by his side: "I, too, had a wife and a dear child at home, and yet Ah! how this aches! We may well do all we can to soothe such pain.

In youth the heart is responsive and ready to be generous, and the hand aches for the grasp of a comrade's hand, and the mind demands fellowship in the great thoughts that are beginning to dawn upon it. The closest friendships are formed early in life, just because then we are less cautious, more open to impressions, and readier to welcome self-revelations.

"I fear I am reckless, Jane," I said, wistfully. "I am not brave. I am reckless, and also desparate." "You poor darling!" she said, in a broken voice. "When I think of all you are suffering, and then see your smile, my Heart aches for you." We then went in and had some ice cream soda, which I paid for, Jane having nothing but a dollar, which she needed for a manacure.

But you were asleep and Danny said you might as well have it out. How are you feeling?" Tom sat up experimentally and took a deep breath. "All right," he answered stoutly, although as a matter of fact he was full of stiff spots and queer aches. "And and I'm hungry." "Good stuff!" laughed Steve. He lifted the tray to Tom's lap and took the covers from the dishes.