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Thus, in almost exactly the course of a technical generation from the appearance of Pamela in 1740 to that of Humphry Clinker in 1771 the wain of the novel was solidly built, furnished with four main wheels to move it, and set a-going to travel through the centuries.

I have been thinking a club dining here once a month would be a very pleasant thing. 'True, true, said Glossin, 'I mean landed proprietors and gentlemen of weight in the county; and I should like to set such a thing a-going. The short dry cough with which Mrs.

Of course in this case the pleasantness of the prandial period depends largely upon whom you have the luck to get next to; but there's this advantage in the situation over a similar one in London that you have, at all events, a something of local topics in common, having picked up a little knowledge of places and people during your stay, or if you are quite a new-comer, you can easily set your neighbor a-going by questions about surroundings.

"Lord have mercy upon me! O Lord, upon my soul have mercy! An if I cheated Sam Hicks last week, Lord knowest how well he deserved it, and lied in every stocking's mouth oh Lord, where be I a-going?" These words, with many jogs between them, came to me through the darkness, and then a long groan and a choking.

'Yes, bless you, sir, for a dear creetur, and do it at once, cried Affery, 'for she may be a-calling to me at this very present minute, or may be setting herself a fire and burning herself to death, or there's no knowing what may be happening to her, and me a-going out of my mind at thinking of it! 'Stay, my good madam! He restrained her impatience with a smooth white hand.

Would you mind, sir" insinuatingly "just a-going up the stairs and knocking at the door atop o' them? They'll be glad to see you, I'm sure, sir; and I daren't leave the shop for a single minute." "All right," said the Rector. He was used to entering sick-rooms, and did not find Polly Moss' request very much out of the way. "I'll go up."

Maybe another year, after we get better organised, we'll be able to break rollways at a price per thousand but until we get a-going we'll have to rush her through." Orde repeated this to his associate. "That was smooth enough sailing," he exulted. "Yes," pondered Newmark, removing his glasses and tapping his thumb with their edge. "Yes," he repeated, "that was smooth sailing.

Meg, I've seen somebody go by to-day as was like Posy, only pale and thin; but when I ran out, she was gone like a shadow. I'm a-going to tell Dr Christie; he knows all about Posy and me. But Meg scarcely heard what Mrs Blossom said. All her thoughts and interest centred in Robin, and she felt impatient of the slow progress of her companion.

He had got through the village, and this toll-bar was his last trial; but when the infant toll-takers came screeching out, he had half a mind to run for it, and make a bolt across the country. 'Why, deary Mr Pinch! oh, deary sir! cried the tollman's wife. 'What an unlikely time for you to be a-going this way with a bag! 'I am going to Salisbury, said Tom.

Belloo, whether it be his voice, or his eye, or his chin, I don't know, but there be summat about him as says, very distinct that if so be 'e should 'appen to set 'is mind on a thing, why 'e's a-going to get it, an' 'e ain't a-going to give in till 'e do get it. Ye see, Miss Anthea, 'e's so very quiet in 'is ways, an' speaks so soft, an' gentle, p'raps that's it.