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Sometimes she was piqued at his apparent indifference at his lack of any stronger feeling for her seeming to detect in him something of her own insouciance and coldness. "You really don't care for me a bit," she said once. "I am only another form of 'ze sensation' like going up in a balloon or riding on the cow-catcher." "I keep myself well in hand," he returned.

Archie hurried aboard to find the steward, who immediately took him into the galley and introduced him to the cook, a large, fat Frenchman, with small, blue eyes set far back in his head. He seemed to be a pleasant man, and Archie thought that he would like him very much. "Well, does ze youngster vant to vork, eh! Eef he do, I say you pare zis potate for dinee as quick you can."

"Think of ze sensation!" He spoke English fluently, though shaky on the TH and the W, and it was first hand and not mentally translated. His pronunciation of Far West, two words that were constantly on his lips, was an endless entertainment to Florence, and out of a sense of humour she forebore to correct him. It was typical, indeed, of his ignorance of everything American.

Late in the afternoon of the second day of his imprisonment, Tulitz, desperate with hunger, rage, and despair, sat down upon the stool in his cell and glared viciously at the grating. The guard's face was there. "Ha!" cried Tulitz, in a shrill voice, "keep avay! You tink I von tam mouse, and you ze cat, hey?

"Has the first mate been ashore?" "Oui, M'sieur; asleep in the sun, I bet you. Bah! any man could watch the sea from the cliff. Dat job not need ze furst officer. Sacre! but 't is a dog's life at sea." I nodded my head, too busily engaged with my own thoughts to give much consideration to his troubles.

Emilio Zanti closely, and he decided that his smile was not real, and that it must be very unpleasant to have a bald head. He also noticed that he said things in a funny way: like "ze beautiful country zat you 'ave 'ere with its sea and its woods" and "I 'ave the greatest re-spect for ze Englishman" also his hands were very fat and he wore rings like Zachary.

She was just finishing it when Eglantine, on the watch at the window, cried: "'Ere is ze lawyer! You must fly! Oh, but queek!"

"Get out o' here, yer damn coon!" turning fiercely upon the steward, and then leaning across the table, lowering his voice, which yet trembled with passion. "Sacre, M'sieur, it was I do his dirty work five seek year. He no sailor, but I sail ze sheep for him see? Tree, four time I sail ze sheep, an' he make ze money. Vat he geef me? Maybe one hundred ze month bah! eet was to laugh.

Here is yong man which knows our Karl! ant my dear Mutter comes out from a back door. I knew her directly. 'You know our Karl? says she, ant looks at me, ant, white all over, trembles. 'Yes, I haf seen him, I says, without ze corage to look at her, for my heart did almost burst. 'My Karl is alive? she cry. 'Zen tank Got! Vere is he, my Karl?

"Oh! mais, Madame, ze strange zing is zat wiz all 'is rich, all 'is camel, all 'is 'ouse ah!