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"When I gets lonesome, it feels as if my mouth was all tied up, and a big, great stone was right in here." And Budge put his hand on his chest. "If a big tone wash inshide of me," said Toddie, "I'd take it out and frow it at the shickens." "Toddie," I said, "aren't you glad papa and mamma are coming?" "Yesh," said Toddie. "Mamma always bwings me candy fen she goes anyfere."

Don't he, boys?" inquired Jimmy. "But he ain't no interesting character. Jisht common man, Dannie is. Honest man. Never told a lie in his life. Yesh, he did, too. I forgot. He liesh for me. Jish liesh and liesh. Liesh to Mary. Tells her any old liesh to keep me out of schrape. You ever have frind hish up and drive ten milesh for you night like thish, and liesh to get you out of schrape?"

"If a big'tone wazh inshide of ME," said Toddie, "I'd take it out an' frow it at the shickens." "Toddie," said I, "aren't you glad papa an' mamma are coming?" "Yesh," said Toddie, "I fink it'll be awfoo nish. Mamma always bwings me candy fen she goes away anyfere." "Toddie, you're a mercenary wretch." "AIN'T a mernesary wetch; Izhe Toddie Yawncie."

He coaxed, and coaxed, and eventually succeeded. "Leonsh!" Curtis said, with a sudden burst of drunken confidence. "Leonsh! it's worse than either you or I shuspected. I caught them alone this morning in my offish." "Them! Rosenberg and Matt!" "Yesh, of course, shilly! I told Matt I was going out. He thought I had so into the room I came quite unshuspected, unobsherved.

For a moment Toddie's face indicated a terrible internal conflict between old Adam and mother Eve, but curiosity finally overpowered natural depravity, and Toddie murmured: "Yesh." "What shall I tell you about?" "'Bout Nawndeark." "About WHAT?" "He means Noah an' the ark," exclaimed Budge. "Datsh what I shay Nawndeark," declared Toddie.

"Y'you you're a jolly good fellow," he stammered; "here, fill up again." The poor skipper filled up again, and again, until his speech began to grow thick and unsteady. "Yesh," continued Gunter, doubling his fist and smiting his knee, "I do like sheap grog an' sheap baccy, an' the Coper's the place to get 'em both. Ain't it?"

"Hillo!" was the reply. "Make more sail, sir, and run into the body of the fleet, or I shall fire into you; why don't you, sir, keep in the wake of the commodore?" No answer. "What meant you by hauling your wind, just now, sir?" "Yesh, Yesh," at length responded a voice from the merchantinan. "Something wrong here," said Mr Splinter.

When Hanz had somewhat controlled his feelings he sat down in the big chair, and with Angeline looking anxiously over his shoulder and holding the candle, opened and began reading the letter "Yesh, t'is mine poor poy Titus as writes him," he said, pausing for a moment. "Hish name shust as he wrotes him when a poy." The rest of the company looked on and listened in silence.

"Then why did you screw your face so when it hit you?" "What for screw mine face?" repeated Jacob soberly. "Vy, it vash de de " "That what?" insisted Ben maliciously. "Vy, de-de-vat you call dis, vat you taste mit de nose?" Ben laughed. "Oh, you mean the smell." "Yesh. Dat ish it," said Jacob eagerly. "It wash de shmell. I draw mine face for dat!" "Ha! ha!" roared Ben. "That's a good one.

The voice shook a little, and my way opened before me with disgraceful ease. "Yesh. Dining private yacht. Eshmesheralda. I belong to Torquay Yacht Club. Are you member Torquay Yacht Club?" "You'd better go to bed, Sir. Good-night." We slid into the rapidly thinning fog. "Dig out, Alf. Put your nix mangiare back into it. The fog's peelin' off like a petticoat. Where's Two Six Seven?"