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"Yesh, Jack, my dear boy," he was saying, "wine'sh a jolly good thing to be ushed and not abushed. Blow my toothache toothache so very dericulous don't know what I'm shaying." Mr. Mole winked and blinked like an owl in daylight. "Jack." "Sir." "Whash the devil Jack!" He started in utter amazement. "Yes, sir." "Why, Mr.

"What is that, Timothy?" cried I, for I was nervous to a degree. "It's that fellow Emmanuel, sir, who says that he will come up." "Yesh, I vill go up, sar." "Let him come, Timothy," replied I. Accordingly Mr Emmanuel ascended.

"Ay, ay; oh, yesh," was the response from the other vessel; and as it came floating down upon the wind the stranger took a broad sheer to port, showing herself to be a large lugger, and shot very neatly alongside the Aurora, the grappling-irons being cleverly hove into the barque's fore and main-rigging, as the two vessels touched.

Don't you remember how papa played the piano last mamma's birthday when she came down stairs, an' how happy it made her, an' we danced around?" "Aw wight," said Toddie. "Let's." "Tell you what," said Budge, "let's both bang the piano, like mamma an' Aunt Alice does together sometimes." "Oh, yesh!" exclaimed Toddie. "We can make some awful big bangsh before she can get down to tell us to don't."

As the rays of Aunt Stanshy's lamp shone out, they made a bridge of light that stretched off into the mist, as if anxious to reach the river and bridge it for some poor, helpless soul in the water. "Say, friend, you down there?" called out Will. A voice below answered, "Yesh hic I'll help you up " "You will? Better let me help you first." "Shuit yourself hic."