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Updated: August 9, 2024

"Yesh, yesh," said the little man, whose German silver spectacles sat upon a bulbously Oriental nose; "ze monish ish never paid on a crossed shequc. If one hash a bank-account, you know, zat ish different. Ze gentleman who gif you dis shequc had no bishness to crosh it if you have no banker."

Under each one, however, her resolution grew weaker, and finally, with a hypocritical excuse to Budge, Mrs. Burton hurried up to the door of Toddie's prison, and said through the keyhole: "Toddie?" "What?" said Toddie. "Will you be a good-boy, now!" "Yesh, if you'll take me a-widin'." Mrs. Burton turned abruptly away, and simply flew down the stairs.

"Yesh an' swingin' an' birch an' wantsh to go to Hawksnesh Rock," answered Toddie. "Let's have Bible stories first," said I. "The Lord mightn't like it if you didn't learn anything good to-day." "Well," said Budge, with the regulation religious-matter-of-duty-face, "let's. I guess I like 'bout Joseph best." "Tell us 'bout Bliaff," suggested Toddie.

I encountered a door ajar by the way, my forehead being first to discover it. I ground my teeth, lit a candle, and said something no matter what. "Oh, you said a bad swear!" ejaculated Toddie. "You won't go to heaven when you die." "Neither will you, if you howl like a little demon all night. Are you going to be quiet, now?" "Yesh, but I wants my dolly."

"Which direction are you going?" "Up Fifth Avenue. Coming my way?" "Yesh I'm with you only I must stop in Forty-second Street first at a jeweller's to get a ring I ordered." Grinning stupidly at Hadley, he went on: "Great idea diamonds! You can do anything with a woman if you give her all the jewels she wants! See, my boy?"

"What is that, Timothy?" cried I, for I was nervous to a degree. "It's that fellow Emmanuel, sir, who says that he will come up." "Yesh, I vill go up, sar." "Let him come, Timothy," replied I. Accordingly Mr Emmanuel ascended.

There ish no shoemaker's got a prettier wife-hic-than I have. Yesh shir, we drank a li'l toash to you, my dear." "Oh, Robert," said Mother Slessor to her husband, "I do hope you brought home some of your paycheck. We need it badly for food. We don't have any money in the house. All the food we have is what I kept back from the children's supper so you could eat."

At length, however, mirth gave place to brotherly love, and Budge tenderly remarked: "Toddie, dear, don't you love Brother Budge?" "Yesh," sobbed Toddie. "Then you ought to be happy," said Budge, "for you've made him awful happy. If the fish hadn't caught you, the general couldn't have pulled him off, an' then he wouldn't have tumbled into the pond, an' oh, my! didn't he splash bully!"

"I hope I have a host of friends," he said, settling his pleated coat. "Damn hosht!" said Jimmy. "Jisht in way. Now I got one frind, hosht all by himself. Be here pretty soon now. Alwaysh comesh nights like thish." "Comes here?" inquired the Thread Man. "Am I to meet another interesting character?" "Yesh, comesh here. Comesh after me. Comesh like the clock sthriking twelve.

The figure gesticulated violently, then stooped down to commune with three or four more, whose heads could now be seen just above the taffrail; finally he raised himself to an upright position, and shouted back, "Yesh, yesh!" "I'm afraid he did not understand you, Mr Chester," said Mr Annesley. "Try him again." I did so, with even more confusing results than before.

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