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"As a matter of fact, Sol," he said, "I ain't seen Brady in a month, y'understand, but supposing Brady should come across you in an oitermobile down at Coney Island at nine o'clock in the morning, y'understand. I bet yer he would call for a new statement from you and Klein the very next day, Sol, and make you swear to it on a truck load of Bibles already. A feller shouldn't take no chances, Sol."

I already got an established business, y'understand; and if I could get a feller with a headpiece, Mawruss never mind he ain't got so much money with a couple thousand dollars, we could run that feller from Sarahcuse out of town." "What feller from Sarahcuse?" Morris asked. "Ain't I told you?" Sam continued.

Whereas Mawruss, you take a feller which he is coming over here from Russland, y'understand, and he wouldn't go back to the old country not if you was to make him a present of it free for nothing." "Is it anything against them Italieners if they save their money, Abe?" Morris asked.

"A feller what goes to a bank looking for accommodations," Zudrowsky replied, "naturally don't put on his oldest clothes, y'understand, but anyhow, Noblestone, if you would be around here at half past twelve to-morrow, I will see that Harry gets here too, and we will go down to Wasserbauer's and meet the feller."

I told him I'd send 'em over right after lunch; so you don't need to say nothin' just hand it to Mr. Ferguson, y'understand. Blatchford Ferguson, the lawyer, you know where his office is." "Yes, sir. Want me to ask for a receipt?" "Uh? No, never mind a receipt. It'll be all right."

"In the first place, Cyprus is too near Sarahcuse, y'understand; and if one of them yokels wants to buy for thirty dollars a garment for his wife, if he is up-to-date, he goes to Sarahcuse; and if he is a back number he goes to Sam's competitors! What's the name now? Van Buskirk & Patterson. Yes, Mawruss, back numbers always buys from back numbers."

Only yesterday he says to me if he could get a live partner with a little capital, y'understand, he would soon got the biggest store in Bridgetown." "What for a town is Bridgetown?" Max asked. "Bridgetown is all right, Max," Abe said. "I give you my word, Max, they got so many factories there which they burn soft coal, on the brightest days you couldn't see the sun at all.

Sam exclaimed indignantly; "and besides, Mawruss, the stain ain't all soup, y'understand some of it gets wet in the packing-case." "Well, I wouldn't bother my head about it no more," Morris retorted. "I deposited your check just now and we are lucky, if you would deduct four dollars, that we got our money at all." "Maybe you are and maybe you ain't, Mawruss," Sam commented.

"Sammet Brothers is fly enough to do anything, Mawruss; but, the way Aaron Kronberg hates Alex Kronberg, if they was to sell Alex a single garment, y'understand, Aaron would never buy from them a dollar's worth more goods so long as he lived." "Ain't it a disgrace them two fellers is such enemies, Abe?" "Alex ain't no enemy, Mawruss," Abe said. "It's Aaron what's the enemy.

Then either one of two things happens to you: Either he begins to think you are too small for him and he turns around and buys goods from some other sucker, y'understand, oder he goes to work and throws away his money left and right on oitermobiles oder fiddles, and sooner or later he busts up on you; and that's the way it goes."